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Charles Tsai
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Tracy Ko
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雖然蘋果日報比CCP 封殺,但係蘋果日報的精神永遠長存香港人嘅心中!
Jesse Dawnchen
18 分鐘前
董經緯現在究竟還在中國呢?還是早已經潛逃到美國了呢?這事件真是越來越詭異了。在中共闢謠後,美國政府也跟進闢謠 了。事出反常背後必有妖孽,究竟存在什麼妖孽呢?董經緯出逃事件,為何讓美中兩國炸翻窩了!
Is Dong Jingwei still in China now? Or has it already escaped to the United States? This incident is really getting more and more weird. After the CCP dispelled the rumors, the US government also followed up to dispel the rumors. There must be an evil spirit behind something abnormal, what kind of evil spirit exists? Why did Dong Jingwei’s escape incident caused the United States and China to blow up their nests?
Jesse Dawnchen
18 分鐘前
Why did the incident of Dong Jingwei's escape so that both the United States and China have blown up their nests! , I am afraid that the CCP’s high-level officials have really exploded, apparently indirectly admitting that Dong Jingwei, Vice Minister of the Ministry of State Security of China, has absconded to the United States. The inside information that Dong Jingwei provided to the United States was too violent. People familiar with the matter said that the United States was "extremely embarrassing," and it was a bomb! It may be difficult to count the number of suspected high-level US officials and the business community.
Jesse Dawnchen
16 分鐘前
Internet heat spreads that Dong Jingwei, deputy minister of the State Security Department of the Communist Party of China, fled the United States. U.S. media quoted news that Dong did indeed arrive in the United States in February and provided the U.S. with important information on the origin of the Wuhan virus and the virus. On the same day, the Chinese Communist Party media reported that Dong hosted the meeting in China, but two versions appeared strangely. One Dong Jingwei, two statements: The US media recently disclosed more details about Dong's escape from the United States in February, but the Chinese party media claimed that Dong was still in China. Who is lying?