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最后的审判 (541) 易經•彖傳•臨

发表于 2021-7-16 07:37:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2021-7-18 21:02 编辑



Tuan Zhuan: Lin
In Lin (we see) the strong (lines) gradually increasing and advancing. (The lower trigram is the symbol of) being pleased, and (the upper of) being compliant. The strong (line) is in the central position, and is properly responded to. 'There is great progress and success, along with firm correctness:' - this is the way of Heaven. 'In the eighth month there will be evil:' - (the advancing power) will decay after no long time.

来源Book of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project


地泽临卦,原文- 爻辞 - 国易堂
周易《易传》上篇白话文- 知乎
Hexagram 19: Nearing - I Ching 19 Interpretation Video ...
它是中华第一神书,但上下五千年几乎没人能够看懂!_哔哩哔 ...

推背圖 第五一象 甲寅 ䷒ 兌下坤上 臨         

   陰陽和 化以正
   坤順而感 後見堯舜
   誰云女子尚剛強 坤德居然感四方
   重見中天新氣象 卜年一六壽而康



Tuan Zhuan: Lin
In Lin (we see) the strong (lines) gradually increasing and advancing[Apparently in Lin (we observe) the lines of strong relaxedly increasing along with advancing]. (The lower trigram is the symbol of) being pleased, and (the upper of) being compliant[(The subjacent trigram is the symbol of) existence of gladsome, and (the upper of) being compliant]. The strong (line) is in the central position, and is properly responded to[The brawny (line) is being existed in the central position, and is unobjectionably recompensed to]. 'There is great progress and success, along with firm correctness:' - this is the way of Heaven['There is exceeding accomplishment besides thriving, additionally firm correctness:' - this is being the exact idea and also judgment as it comes from heaven]. 'In the eighth month there will be evil:' - (the advancing power) will decay after no long time['Exactly in the August month there will be evil:' - (the advancing power) will decay following no long time].


Tuan Zhuan: Lin
In Lin (we see) the strong (lines) gradually inCreasing and advanCing. (The lower trigram is the symbol of) being pleased, and (the uPper of) being compliant. The strong (line) is in the central position, and is properly responded to. 'There is great progress and success, along with firm correctness:' - this is the way of Heaven. 'In the eighth month there will be evil:' - (the advancing power) will decay after no long time.

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GMT+8, 2025-1-28 11:54

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