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最后的审判 (623) 波波武经 第二部分第六章 中

发表于 2021-11-4 07:03:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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The Book of the People: POPUL VUH
Translated into English by Delia Goetz and Sylvanus Griswold Morley
from Adrián Recino's translation from Quiché into Spanish

II. Chapter 6 (Follow up)

"Now we shall watch over our cornfield; perhaps we can surprise those who come to do all of this damage," they said, talking it over together. And later they returned home["Now we shall extremely maintain our cornfield; we could possibly frighten those who come along to do all of this damage," they said, talking it over substantially. Before long they returned home].
"What do you think of it, grandmother? They have made fun of us. Our field, which we had worked, has been turned into a field of stubble and a thick woods["What do you exactly think of it, grandmother? And they just have made jest of us. Our exemplary field, which we had worked, has been turned into a ground of hay in addition a thick woods]. Thus we found it, when we got there, a little while ago, grandmother," they said to her and to their mother. "But we shall return there and watch over it, because it is not right that they do such things to us," they said[That being the case when we got there, a little while ago, we exposed its secret, grandmother," they just claimed to her as well as to their mother. "Excepting we shall go back there and watch over it, because it is not right that they do such things to us," they said].
Then they dressed and returned at once to their field of cut trees, and there they hid themselves, stealthily, in the darkness[Then they dressed and went back quick as lightning next to their field of cut trees, and over there they just concealed themselves, stealthily, in the darkness]
Then all the animals gathered again; one of each kind came with the other small and large animals. It was just midnight when they came, all talking as they came, saying in their own language: "Rise up, trees! Rise up, vines!"[Next all the animals once again assembled; every single kind came with the other small in company with large animals. It was without a doubt midnight when they came, all talking as they came, exclaiming aloud in their own language: "Rise up, trees! Rise up, vines!"]
So they spoke when they came and gathered under the trees, under the vines, and they came closer until they appeared before the eyes [of Hunahpú and Xbalanqué][So they spoke just as they came as well as gathered under the trees, under the vines, and they approximated until they popped up before the eyes of Hunahpú and Xbalanqué].
The puma and the jaguar were the first, and [Hunahpú and Xbalanqué] wanted to seize them, but [the animals] did not let them. Then the deer and the rabbit came close[At the begining were puma and the jaguar, and Hunahpú and Xbalanqué wanted to seize them, yet the animals did not let them. Then the rabbit along with the exotic deer came close]. and the only parts of them which they could seize were their tails, only these, they pulled out[And the just parts of them they possibly will seize were their tails, exclusively these, they dragged out]. The tall of the deer remained in their hands, and for this reason the deer and the rabbit have short tails. Neither the mountain-cat, the coyote, the wild boar, nor the coati fell into their hands. All the animals passed before Hunahpú and Xbalanqué, who were furious because they could not catch them[The big long tail of the deer eventually remained in their hands, and that being so the deer and the rabbit have extremely little tails. Nor the coyote (a wild dog that justifiably resembles the wolf), the extra sized mountain-cat, the coati, neither the wild boar fell into their hands. Every single animal passed by before Hunahpú and Xbalanqué, who were angry since they could not catch them].
But, finally, another animal came hopping along, and this one which was the rat, [which] they seized instantly, and wrapped him in a cloth[But, finally, another hopping animal came along, and this one which was the rat, they expeditiously grabbed hold of it, and just wrapped him enclosed by a cloth]. Then when they had caught him, they squeezed his head and tried to choke him, and they burned his tall in the fire, and for that reason the rat's tail has no hair[When they had caught him, they next squeezed his head and tried to choke him, and they burned his tail in the fire, ergo the rat's tail has no hair anything]. So, too, the boys, Hunahpú and Xbalanqué, tried to poke at his eyes[That being so, too, the boys, Hunahpú and Xbalanqué, tried to poke at his both eyes].
The rat said: "I must not die at your hands. And neither is it your business to plant the cornfield."[The rat just claimed: "I should not die at your hands. And neither is it your exact business to plant the cornfield."]
"What are you telling us now?" the boys asked the rat.[The boys asked, "What are you telling us nowadays?"]
["Loosen me within limits, because I have something which I wish to tell you, and expeditiously I shall tell you, but just hand me something to eat," said the rat]"Loosen me a little, for I have something which I wish to tell you, and I shall tell you immediately, but first give me something to eat," said the rat.
["We will give you food afterward, excepting first speak," they responsed]"We will give you food afterward, but first speak," they answered.
"Very well. Do you know, then, that the property of your parents Hun-Hunahpú and VucubHunahpú, as they were called, those who died in Xibalba, or rather the gear with which they played ball, has remained and is hanging from the roof of the house: the ring, the gloves, and the ball?["Brilliant. Do you have knowledge, then, that the property of your biological parents Hun-Hunahpú and VucubHunahpú, during which they were called, those who died in Xibalba, or rather the gear with which they played ball, just has remained as well as is hanging from the roof of the house: the luxuriant gloves, the ball, and the ring?] Nevertheless, your grandmother does not want to show them to you for it was on account of these things that your parents died."[After everything, your grandmother does not want to show them to you for it was caused by these things that your parents died unexpectedly."]
[The boys said to the rat, "Are you sure of that?" And they were very happy when they heard about the rubber ball. And just as same as the rat had required before, they now exhibited the rat what his food would be]"Are you sure of that?" said the boys to the rat. And they were very happy when they heard about the rubber ball. And as the rat had now talked, they showed the rat what his food would be.
["This is going to be your food: chili-seeds, corn, pataxte, cacao, beans; all this belongs to you, and except if there be anything stored away or rejected, it shall simultaneously be yours. Eat it," Hunahpú and Xbalanqué said to the rat together]"This shall be your food: corn, chili-seeds, beans, pataxte, cacao; all this belongs to you, and should there be anything stored away or forgotten, it shall be yours also. Eat it," Hunahpú and Xbalanqué said to the rat.
"Wonderful, boys," he said; "but what shall I tell your grandmother if she sees me?"["Mind-blowing, boys," he said; "even so what shall I begin to inform your grandmother if she sees me?"]
"Do not worry, because we are here and shall know what to say to our grandmother["Do not worry, because we are here and shall know what to explain to our grandmother]. Let us go! We shall go quickly to the comer of the house, go at once to where the things hang; we shall be looking at the garret of the house and paying attention to our food," they said to the rat[Let us go! We shall go just as nimble as possible to the exact hideaway of the building, go right away to where the things being hanged; we shall be examining the garret of the house and be justifiably immersed in to our food," they said to the rat].

(To be continued)

POPUL VUH - LatinAmericanStudies.org

Popol Vuh - Wikipedia
Popol Vuh - Annenberg Learner

The Maya - Latin American Studies

波波爾·烏- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Worship Services - Calvary Church


II. Chapter 6 (Excerpt)

Then they dressed and returned at once to their field of Cut trees, and there they hid themselves, seCretly, in the darkness.
Then all the animals gathered again; one of each kind came with the other small and large animals. It was uP to midnight when they all came, talking as they came, saying in their own
language: "Rise up, trees! Rise up, vines!"

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