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最后的审判 (631) 波波武经 第二部分第十章

发表于 2021-11-12 17:36:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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The Book of the People: POPUL VUH
Translated into English by Delia Goetz and Sylvanus Griswold Morley
from Adrián Recino's translation from Quiché into Spanish

II. Chapter 10

Afterward they entered the House of Cold. It is impossible to describe how cold it was. The house was full of hail; it was the mansion of cold. Soon, however, the cold was ended because with [a fire of] old logs the boys made the cold disappear[Afterward they just came the House of Cold. It is not admissible to express how cold it was. The house was full of hail; it was the building of cold. Shortly, but in spite of that, the cold was ended because (with a fire of bygone logs) the boys made the cold disappear].
That is why they did not die; they were still alive when it dawned[That exactly is the reason they did not die; they were just alive at the same time as it dawned]. Surely what the Lords of Xibalba wanted was that they would die; but it was not thus, and when it dawned, they were still full of health, and they went out again, when the messengers came to get them[Surely what the Lords of Xibalba wanted was that they would die; but it was not ergo, and by the time it dawned, they were still abounding health, and they approximately went out again, when the messengers just came to see them].
"How is this? They are not dead yet?" said the Lords of Xibalba. They were amazed to see the deeds of Hunahpú and Xbalanqué["How is this? They are not dead yet?" said the Lords of Xibalba. They were astonished to observe the things of Hunahpú and Xbalanqué].
Presently the boys [entered] the House of Jaguars. The house was full of jaguars. "Do not bite us! Here is what belongs to you," [the boys] said to the jaguars. And quickly they threw some bones to the animals, which pounced upon the bones[Presently the boys went in the House of Jaguars. The building was full of jaguars. "Do not bite us! Here exactly is what belongs to you," the boys said to the jaguars. And they junked hard some bones to the animals, which pounced upon the intoxicating bones].
"Now surely they are finished. Now already they have eaten their own entrails["Now doubtless they are finished. Forthright already they have eaten their entrails]. At last they have given themselves up. Now their bones have been broken, "so said the guards, all happy because of this[By and by they have given themselves up. Right at this time their bones have been exactly in bits and pieces, "so said the guards, all happy just cause of this matter].
[Despite the fact they, the boys, did not die expectedly. As is usual, well along with healthy, they came out of the House of Jaguars.]But they [the boys] did not die. As usual, well and healthy, they came out of the House of Jaguars.
"What kind of people are they? Where did they come from?" said all the Lords of Xibalba.["What kind of human beings are they? Where did they enter from?" mumbled every single one of the Lords of Xibalba].
[Soon they, the boys, entered just before the amid of hideous fire in the House of Fire, inside which there was exclusively fire; despite that they were not burned. The coals in addition the wood insignificantly were burning]Presently they [the boys] entered into the midst of fire in the House of Fire, inside which there was only fire; but they were not burned. Only the coals and the wood burned. [And, as normal, they were full of life by the time it was dawning
.]And, as usual, they were well when it dawned.
But what they [the Lords of Xibalba] wished was that [the boys] would die rapidly, where they had been. Nevertheless, it did not happen thus, which disheartened the Lords of Xibalba[But what the Lords of Xibalba hoped was that the boys would die rapidly, where they had been. Nevertheless, it did not just like that materialise, which disheartened the Lords of Xibalba].
Then they put them into the House of Bats. There was nothing but bats inside this house, the house of Camazotz, a large animal, whose weapons for killing were like a dry point, and instantly those who came into their presence perished[So they put them into the House of Bats. There was nothing only bats inside this house, the house of Camazotz, a big animal, whose weapons for killing were exactly like a dry point, those who just came into their presence perished expeditiously].
[And the boys were in there, then, but they slept inside their blowguns. And they were not bitten by those who were inside the building.]They [the boys] were in there, then, but they slept inside their blowguns. And they were not bitten by those who were in the house. Nevertheless, one of them had to give up because of another Camazotz that came from the sky, and made him come into sight[Excepting, a brother had to give up because of another Camazotz that just came from the sky, and made him come into existence].
[All of the night, the bats were in council gathered, and flew about: "Quilitz, quilitz," they said: So they were saying all night. They stopped for a little while, but they did not move and were pressed against the end of one of the blowguns.]The bats were assembled in council all night, and flew about: "Quilitz, quilitz," they said: So they were saying all night. They stopped for a little while, however, and they did not move and were pressed against the end of one of the blowguns.
Then Xbalanqué said to Hunahpú: "Look you, has it begun already to get light?"[Then Xbalanqué said to Hunahpú: "Look you, has it begun to get light just now?"]
["Ah, maybe so. I am going to examine," Hunahpú responded.]"Maybe so. I am going to see," [Hunahpú] answered.
And as he wished very much to look out of the mouth of the blowgun, and wished to see if it had dawned, instantly Camazotz cut off his head and the body of Hunahpú was decapitated[And as he wished blisteringly to find out by the opening of the blowgun, and wished to examine if it was in the early morning just now, Camazotz severed his head expeditiously and the body of Hunahpú was decapitated].
Xbalanqué asked again: "Has it not yet dawned?" But Hunahpú did not move[Xbalanqué asked again: "Has it not agone dawned?" Yet Hunahpú did not move]. "Where have you gone, Hunahpú? What have you done?" But he did not move, and remained silent[But he did not move, remained uptight].
Then Xbalanqué felt concerned and exclaimed: "Unfortunate are we. We are completely undone."[Then Xbalanqué felt anxious and shouted: "Unfortunate are we. We are just unaccomplished."]
[Soon they went to hang the head of Hunahpú in the ball-court by exclusive command of Hun-Camé and Vucub-Camé, and all the beings of Xibalba rejoiced by dint of what had happened to the head of Hunahpú.]They went immediately to hang the head [of Hunahpú] in the ball-court by special order of Hun-Camé and Vucub-Camé, and all the people of Xibalba rejoiced for what had happened to the head of Hunahpú.

POPUL VUH - LatinAmericanStudies.org

瑪雅文明 - owlapps
Popol Vuh - 基切玛雅历史
Popol Vuh - Annenberg Learner

The Maya - Latin American Studies

都曾有过大洪水的传说。 譬如《圣经》里诺亚方舟的故事 ..

Immanuel...Lovely Arabic Christian Song @ Cave Church ...


II. Chapter 10 (Excerpt)

Soon, however, the cold was ended beCause with [a fire of] old logs the boys made the Cold disapPear.
That is why they did not die; they were alive when it was towards dawn together. Surely they, all the Lords of Xibalba, wanted was that they would die;

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