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最后的审判 (664) 波波武经 第四部分第八章

发表于 2021-12-24 09:46:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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The Book of the People: POPUL VUH
Translated into English by Delia Goetz and Sylvanus Griswold Morley
from Adrián Recino's translation from Quiché into Spanish

IV. Chapter 8

AFTER THEY HAD LEFT THERE, THEY CAME here to the town of Gumarcaah, as the Quiché named it when Kings Cotuhá and Gucumatz and all the lords came. There had then begun the fifth generation of men, since the beginning of civilization and of the population, the beginning of the existence of the nation.

(In other words:)
AFTER THEY HAD LEFT THERE, THEY CAME HERE TO THE OPENLY ACCLAIMED AS WELL AS MAJOR TOWN OF GUMARCAAH, AS THE OLD people of Quiché named it when Kings Cotuhá and Gucumatz and all the lords came. Then, there had begun the fifth generation of men, since the beginning of civilization and of the population, the beginning of the existence of the nation.

(In short:)

(In other words:)
After they had left the last place, they came here to the town of Gumarcaah, as the Quiché named it when Kings Cotuhá and Gucumatz and all the lords came. There had subsequently begun the fifth generation of men, since the beginning of civilization and of the population, the beginning of the existence of the nation.

(In short:)
The last name is blue.

IV. Chapter 8

AFTER THEY HAD LEFT THERE, THEY CAME here to the town of Gumarcaah, as the Quiché named it when Kings Cotuhá and Gucumatz and all the lords came. There had then begun the fifth generation of men, since the beginning of civilization and of the population, the beginning of the existence of the nation[After they had left that town, they came here to the town of Gumarcaah, as the old Quiché people named it just at the time Kings Cotuhá and Gucumatz and all the lords came. There had next begun the fifth generation of men, since the beginning of development of civilization accompanying beginning of development of the population, the beginning of the existence of the nation].

There, then, they built many houses and at the same time constructed the temple of God; in the center of the high part of the town they located it when they arrived and settled there[There, in those days, they generated numerous houses and just at the same time constructed the temple of God; in the center of the high part of the town they found exactly it at the moment that they arrived and settled there].
Then their empire grew. They were very numerous, when they held their council in their great houses[Subsequently their entire empire grew. They were very innumerable, by the time they held their council in their great houses]. They reunited, but later divided, because dissensions had arisen and jealousies grew up amongst them over the price for their sisters and their daughters, and because they no longer drank together[They reunited, except later divided, because dissensions grew up and jealousies had emerged amidst them over the price for their exalted sisters and loved daughters, besides they no longer drank jointly].
[This, then, was the basic reasoning why they divided and why they extremely turned against each other, and they horribly threw the skulls of the dead, they junked the
m around amid each person.]This, then, was the reason why they divided and why they turned against each other, and they threw the skulls of the dead, they hurled them around among each other.
Then they divided into nine families, and having ended the dispute over the sisters and the daughters, they carried out the plan of dividing the kingdom into twenty-four great houses, as they did. It is a long time since they came here to their town, and finished the twenty-four great houses, there in the City of Gumarcaah, which was blessed by the Bishop. Later the city was abandoned[They next divided into nine family groups, besides, having ended the dispute over the sisters and the daughters, they carried out the plan of subdividing the kingdom into twenty-four maximum habitations, as they did just at the time. It was a long period, since they came here to their town, and next finished the twenty-four great houses, there in the wonderful City of Gumarcaah, which was being blessed by the Bishop. Later on the former midtown of their habitation was being abandoned].
There they increased, there they installed their splendid thrones and royal seats, and they distributed their honors among all the lords. The nine lords of Cavec formed nine families; the lords of Nihaib formed another nine; the lords of Ahau-Quiché formed another four; and the lords of Zaquic formed another two families[There they expanded, there they installed their royal seats
and splendid king's like thrones, and they distributed their honors and majesties amid all the lords. The nine lords of Cavec formed exactly nine families; the lords of Nihaib organized another nine groups of family; lords of Ahau-Quiché came into being another four; and the lords of Zaquic came into existence another two major families].
They became very numerous, and many also followed each of the lords; these were the first among their vassals, and each of the lords had large families[They became exceedingly many, also many went along behind every single of the lords; these were the primary in their subjects, and every single one of the lords had extensive family connections].
We shall tell now the names of the lords of each of the great houses. Here, then, are the names of the lords of Cavec. The first of the lords was Ahpop, [then] Ahpop-Camhá, Ah-Tohil, AhGucumatz, Nim-Chocoh-Cavec, Popol-Vinac-Chituy, Lolmet-Quehnay, Popol-Vinac Pa-Hom Tzalatz, and Uchuch-Camhá[We shall tell just now the names of the lords of each of the maximum habitations. Below, in days gone by, are the names of the lords of Cavec. The first of the lords was Ahpop, followed by Popol-Vinac-Chituy, besides, Ah-Tohil, Lolmet-Quehnay, AhGucumatz, next, Popol-Vinac Pa-Hom Tzalatz in conjunction with Ahpop-Camhá, besides, Uchuch-Camhá, next off Nim-Chocoh-Cavec].
These, then, were the lords of Cavec, nine lords, each one of which had his great house, which afterward will appear again[These, at that point in time, were the lords based in Cavec, nine lords, every single one of which had his very big mansion, which subsequently will turn out again].
Here then are the lords of Nihaib. The first was Ahau-Galel, then Ahau-Ahtzic-Vinac, GalelCamhá, Nima-Camhá, Uchuch-Camhá, Nim-Chocoh-Nihaibab, Avilix, Yacolatam, Utzampop-Zalclatol, and Nimá-Lolmet-Ycoltux, the nine lords of Nihaib[Here next are the lords of Nihaib. The leadoff was Uchuch-Camhá in conjunction with Nima-Camhá, besides, Avilix, Ahau-Ahtzic-Vinac, Nim-Chocoh- Utzampop-Zalclatol, Nihaibab, in addition GalelCamhá, Yacolatam, Nimá-Lolmet-Ycoltux, and also Ahau-Galel, being the nine lords of Nihaib].
And as for those of Ahau-Quiché, these are the names of the lords: Ahtzic-Vinac, AhauLolmet, Ahau-Nim-Chocoh-Ahau, and Ahau-Hacavitz, four lords of Ahau-Quiché, in the order of their great houses[To the extent that those special men of Ahau-Quiché, these are justly the names of the lords: first AhauLolmet, next Ahtzic-Vinac, with the addition of Ahau-Nim-Chocoh-Ahau, and Ahau-Hacavitz, being the four lords in Ahau-Quiché, based on the time interval order of their very big mansions].
And the house of Zaquic had two families, the Lords Tzutuhá and Galel Zaquic. These two lords had only one great house[And the house of Zaquic had two big clan groups, first the Lord Tzutuhá as well as next the Lord Galel Zaquic. In spite of that these two lords had just one great mansion respectively].

POPUL VUH - LatinAmericanStudies.org

瑪雅文明 - owlapps
波波武經 - 中文百科知識
Popol Vuh - 基切玛雅历史
Popol Vuh - Annenberg Learner
Popol Vuh - World History Encyclopedia
《波波武經》與瑪雅末日的原始來源- 張天地


PART IV: Chapter 8 (Excerpt)

They reunited, but later divided, because dissensions had arisen and jealousies grew up amongst them over the priCe for their sisters and their daughters, and beCause they no longer drank together.
This, uP until then, was the reason why they divided and why they changed into against each other, and they threw the skulls of the dead, they hurled them around among each other.

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