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最后的审判 (679) 易經•彖傳•損

发表于 2022-1-10 18:06:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-1-11 12:55 编辑



Tuan Zhuan: Sun
In Sun (we see) the lower (trigram) diminished, and the upper added to. (But) the method (of action) implied in this operates also above (or, mounts upwards (also) and operates). 'If there be sincerity in this method of diminution, there will be great good fortune; freedom from error; firmness and correctness that can be maintained; and advantage in every movement that shall be made. In what shall this (sincerity in the exercise of Sun) be employed? (Even) in sacrifice, two baskets of grain, (though there be nothing else), may be presented:' - for these two baskets there ought to be the fitting time. There is a time when the strong should be diminished, and the weak should be strengthened. Diminution and increase, overflowing and emptiness: -these take place in harmony with the conditions of the time.

SourceBook of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project


41. 損卦(山澤損) - 易學網
周易《易传》下篇白话文- 知乎
41 Diminishing SUN | I Ching: Mothering Change
易经杂说(南怀瑾)2 - 游无穷

推背圖         第二一象 甲申 ䷨ 兌下艮上 損        


          空厥宮中  雪深三尺
          籲嗟元首  南轅北轍

   妖氛未靖不康寧 北掃烽煙望帝京
   異姓立朝終國位 卜世三六又南行



Tuan Zhuan: Sun
In Sun (we see) the lower (trigram) diminished, and the upper added to. (But) the method (of action) implied in this operates also above (or, mounts upwards (also) and operates)[Clearly in Sun (we observe) the diminishment in lower trigram, the extra in addition in upper. Just the same the style (of action) expressed in this operates also above (or, heightens upwards also and engages)]. 'If there be sincerity in this method of diminution, there will be great good fortune; freedom from error; firmness and correctness that can be maintained; and advantage in every movement that shall be made['If there be sincerity in this bearing of diminution, there will be exceptionally good fortune; just away from errors; fixity and correctness that can be maintained; and advantage in every motion that shall be inaugurated]. In what shall this (sincerity in the exercise of Sun) be employed[In what shall this (sincerity in the exercise of Sun) be adopted]? (Even) in sacrifice, two baskets of grain, (though there be nothing else), may be presented:' - for these two baskets there ought to be the fitting time[Just like amid the sacrifice, exclusively two baskets of grain, (though there be nothing else), may be indicated:' - for these two baskets there ought to be the fitting time]. There is a time when the strong should be diminished, and the weak should be strengthened[There exists a period just at time the strong should be diminished, and the weak should be exceptionally reinforced]. Diminution and increase, overflowing and emptiness: -these take place in harmony with the conditions of the time[Diminution combined with increase, overflowing accompanying nonbeing: -these are brought into existence in harmony with the justifiable requirements of the time].


推背圖         第二一象 甲申 ䷨ 兌下艮上 損        


          空厥宮  雪深三尺
          籲嗟元首  南轅北轍

   妖氛未靖不康寧 北掃烽煙望帝京
   異(含:)姓立朝終國位 卜世三六又南行

Tuan Zhuan:
Sun (Extracted)

'If there be sincerity in this method of diminution, there will be great good fortune; freedom from error; steadiness and CorreCtness that can be kePt; and advantage in every movement that shall be made. In what shall this (sincerity in the exercise of Sun) be employed? (Even) in sacrifice, two baskets of grain, (though there be nothing else), may be presented:' - for these two baskets there ought to be the fitting time. There is a time when the strong wil be diminished, and the weak will be strengthened. Diminution and increase, overflowing and emptiness: -these take place in harmony with the conditions of the time.

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GMT+8, 2025-1-28 11:44

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