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最后的审判 (683) 易經•彖傳•萃

发表于 2022-1-14 16:25:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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Tuan Zhuan: Cui   
Cui indicates (the condition of union, or) being collected. We have in it (the symbol of) docile obedience going on to (what is expressed by that of) satisfaction. There is the strong line in the central place, and rightly responded to. Hence comes the (idea of) union. 'The king will repair to his ancestral temple:' - with the utmost filial piety he presents his offerings (to the spirits of his ancestors). 'It will be advantageous to meet the great man, and there will then be prosperity and success:' - the union effected by him will be on and through what is correct. 'The, use of great victims will conduce to good fortune; and in whatsoever direction movement is made, it will be advantageous:' - all is done in accordance with the ordinances of Heaven. When we look at the way in which the gatherings (here shown) take place, the natural tendencies (in the outward action) of heaven and earth and of all things can be seen.

SourceBook of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project


周易《易传》下篇白话文- 知乎
45 Gathering CUI | I Ching: Mothering Change

如果我們用科學手段證明了“上帝”的存在…真正的創世者究竟是 ...

推背圖        第六十象 癸亥 ䷬ 坤下兌上 萃         

   一陰一陽 無始無終
   終者自終 始者自始
   茫茫天數此中求 世道興衰不自由
   萬萬千千說不盡 不如推背去歸休



推背圖        第六十象 癸亥 ䷬ 坤下兌 萃         

   一陰一陽(一日一月:明;) 無始(地;)無終
   終者自終() 始者自始(
   茫茫天數(真谛【】)此中求(个明【】白) 世道興衰不自由
   萬萬千千說()不盡 不如推背去歸休

Tuan Zhuan: Cui        

Cui indicates (the condition of union, or) being collected. We have in it (the symbol of) docile obedience going on to (what is expressed by that of) satisfaction[Cui justifiably symbolizes (the existent situation of union, or) being collected. We find in it (the symbol of) ingratiating obedience going on to (what is expressed via that of) joy and smugness]. There is the strong line in the central place, and rightly responded to. Hence comes the (idea of) union[There exists the extra strong line in the central place, and benignly engaged with. Accordingly comes the (inspiration of) combining]. 'The king will repair to his ancestral temple:' - with the utmost filial piety he presents his offerings (to the spirits of his ancestors). 'It will be advantageous to meet the great man, and there will then be prosperity and success:' [Next 'the king shall repair to his major ancestral temple:' - as a result of the maximal filial piety he godly brings about his many offerings (before the spirits of his ancestors). 'It ought to be exceedingly advantageous to meet and adjoin the great man, as well as there will next be prosperity along with well-being:']- the union effected by him will be on and through what is correct[the alliance caused by him will certainly be on and using what exactly is appropriate]. 'The, use of great victims will conduce to good fortune; and in whatsoever direction movement is made, it will be advantageous:' - all is done in accordance with the ordinances of Heaven. When we look at the way in which the gatherings (here shown) take place, the natural tendencies (in the outward action) of heaven and earth and of all things can be seen['The, use of great victims of objects shall promote to surprisingly good fortune; to that extent in whatsoever direction movement is made, it will be indeed advantageous:' - everything is being done in accordance with the exact ordinances or judgments of Heaven. At the time we see the way in which the gatherings (here exhibited) come about, the habitual tendencies (among the outward action) of heaven and earth and of everything single one of the things can be seen].


推背圖        第六十象 癸亥 ䷬ 坤下兌上 萃         

   一陰一陽 無始無終
   終者自終 始者自始
   茫茫天數此求(含:) 世道興衰不自由
   (有)萬萬千千說不盡()(的评【】论) 不如推

Tuan Zhuan:
Cui (Extracted)

There is the strong line in the central place, and harmoniously responded to. HenCe Comes the (idea of) union. 'The king will rePair to his ancestral temple:' - with the utmost filial piety he presents his offerings (to the spirits of his ancestors). 'It will be advantageous to meet the great man, and there will then be prosperity and success:'

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GMT+8, 2025-1-28 11:40

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