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最后的审判 (832) 易經•彖傳•既濟

发表于 2022-9-16 12:15:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-9-18 09:32 编辑


Tuan Zhuan: Ji Ji      

'Ji Ji intimates progress and success:' - in small matters, that is, there will be that progress and success. 'There will be advantage in being firm and correct:' - the strong and weak (lines) are correctly arranged, each in its appropriate place. 'There has been good fortune in the beginning: - the weak (second line) is in the centre. 'In the end' there is a cessation (of effort), and 'disorder arises:' - the course (that led to rule and order) is (now) exhausted.

SourceBook of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project


63 Ji4 Ji4 既濟
水火既濟 - 成語故事
63. 既濟卦(水火既濟) - | 易學網
亨小,利貞;初吉終亂。 《1,既濟 - Facebook
既濟卦(水火既濟) 把水架在火上,燒飯的圖象 - 灼見名家

推背圖  第十三象 丙子 ䷾ 離下坎上 既濟

   漢水竭 雀高飛
   飛來飛去何所止 高山不及城郭低
   百個雀兒水上飛 九十九個過山西
   惟有一個踏破足 高棲獨自理毛衣


Two Steps From Hell | Most Beautiful & Emotional Vol 2


Tuan Zhuan: Ji Ji  
(In other words)
There has been good fortune at first: - the second and infirm line is neighboring the centre.
There has been good fortune at first: - the second and also infirm line is at hand the middle ground. For that reason if there is a breaking of much hard work, and disorder derives: - the good flow that steered to rule and order is basically exhausted soon.
(Gathering the shaded letters above)
The first name is green. The second name and third are brick-red. The last is blue.

Tuan Zhuan: Ji Ji        
On the face of it, 'Ji Ji hexagram designates advancement and eminence:' - within the confines of extra small trials or details, namely, there ought to be that developing and also flying colors. And it is said oft 'There ought to be advantage in being extra firm as well as error-free:' - the strong and also infirm lines are unobjectionably made, each single within the bounds of its kind of explicitly favorable neighborhood. It is said oft 'There has been almost tremendous good fortune in the beginning: - the second and infirm line is in the vicinity of the middle ground. This being the case there is a cessation of further exertion, and also jumble accompanies: - the good flow that led to rule and order is often all wore down soon.


Tuan Zhuan: Ji Ji   

There has been good fortune in the beginning: - the weak (seCond line) is in the centre. 'In the end' there is a Cessation (of effort), and 'disorder arises:' - the course (that led to rule and order) is raPidly exhausted.

(In short)
Ruin CCP.


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