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最后的审判 (833) 易經•彖傳•未濟 THE END OF TUAN ZHUAN

发表于 2022-9-17 18:18:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2022-9-25 19:54 编辑


Tuan Zhuan: Wei Ji      

'Wei Ji intimates progress and success (in the circumstances which it implies):' - the weak (fifth) line is in the centre. 'The young fox has nearly crossed the stream:' - but he has not yet escaped from the midst (of the danger and calamity). 'Its tail gets immersed. There will be no advantage in any way:' - there is not at the end a continuance (of the purpose) at the beginning. Although the places (of the different lines) are not those appropriate to them, yet a strong (line) and a weak (line always) respond to each other.

SourceBook of Changes : Tuan Zhuan - Chinese Text Project


Wei Chi

64. 未濟卦(火水未濟) - | 易學網
白話周易:64-未濟@ 筆記 - 隨意窩
周易·未济卦第六十四《《彖》曰:“未济,亨”,柔得中也.“小狐汔济 ...

推背圖   第四四象 丁未 ䷿ 坎下離上 未濟

   日月麗天 群陰懾服
   百靈來朝 雙羽四足

   而今中國有聖人 雖非豪傑也周成

   四夷重譯稱天子 否極泰來九國春


Stive Morgan - Eclipse Of The Moon (Альбом 2017) - YouTube


推背圖   第四四象 丁未 ䷿ 坎下離上 未濟

   日月麗天 群(群经之首的首一字)陰懾服
   百靈來朝 [许许多多传说中的神灵一并(拆字造字)来朝拜, 其中包括]雙羽四足[的兽布拉克(比骡子小)]*
   而今中國有()聖人** 雖非豪傑也周成(周成: 刚刚好, Just)
   (at the same time as)四夷重(新翻)譯稱天子 否極泰來九國春

图解: 无论是在朝还是在野,反正都是那个人。父、子的思维,一点灵犀。从读者的角度看,一个是前面,另一个是后面,两人重叠。即:圣父、圣子、圣灵既是三人,又是一人。相生并相应。坐着的和地[]上站着的是同一个框内[含]。***


布拉克(神獸) - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
先知穆罕默德夜行登霄的十七個啟示 - 伊斯蘭之光

1. 古代尊称帝王;也指品格、智慧最高的人,如孔子。
2. 佛教、道教对佛祖、神仙的尊称。(百度)

拯患救难,是唯圣人” —— 马前课第十二课

"正 如 父 认 识 我 , 我 也 认 识 父 一 样"; "叫 你 们 又 知 道 又 明 白 父 在 我 里 面 , 我 也 在 父 里 面 "。—— 约翰福音第十章

Tuan Zhuan: Wei Ji      

(In other words)
- there is not at the end a continuance (of the purpose) at first. On the other hand the placements (of the disparate lines) are not agreeable to any of them, yet a strong (line) and a weak (line always) respond to each other.
On the face of it, 'Wei Ji intimates progress and success (contained by the surroundings that it implies):' - and the weak (fourth) line is in the centre. 'The inexperienced young fox has nearly made it across the stream:' - but he has not yet averted from the midst (of the double trouble and ill luck). 'Its tail gets immersed.

- the weak (fourth) line is in the centre. 'The young fox has nearly crossed the stream:' - still and all he has not at last escaped from the midst (of the danger and torment). 'Its tail gets immersed. There will be absolutely no advantage in any way:'...

(Gathering the shaded letters)
The first name is green. The second name and the third name are brick-red. The fourth and last name is blue.

Tuan Zhuan: Wei Ji      

On the face of it, 'Wei Ji hexagram designates advancement and eminence (within the confines of the existing condition that it goes into detail):' - the feeble (meaning to say, fourth) line is abutting the central axis. It is said often 'The junior fox has almost intersected the doubtful stream:' - excepting he has not already gotten away from the midst of the danger and ordeal. 'Its long tail comes to be continually submerged and waterly. In point of fact there ought not to be a bit of advantage to any degree:' - there is not at the end an imperishability of the grounds or excuse in the first instance. On the other hand the placements (of the strong and unsound lines) are not justifiable to them, yet a sort of strong line and a sort of weak line regularly respond to each other.



Tuan Zhuan: Wei Ji      

'Wei Ji intimates progress and success (in the CircumstanCes which it imPlies):'...
(In short)
Ruin CCP.

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GMT+8, 2025-1-28 11:28

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