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最后的审判 (914) “那个信使”的信息

发表于 2023-1-27 08:28:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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The Messager
The Messenger by Akiane portrays a bald eagle guiding a lost traveller out of a cave.

''The Messenger'' by Akiane - YouTube
While I was riding my bike one early autumn morning, an unusual thing happened, I distinctly heard the title of my next painting: "The Messager".
I was so relieved, both the title and image already for me, all at my finger tips. I could not wait until the next morning.
When I presented with white's in ordered form, a snow owl in flight.
But the more details were highlighted on the canvas, the fewer details stayed in my vision. And the last thought was able to retain a sharp image in my mind.
Then I noticed a nest. But by the time I filled with eggs, the owl vanished. Not a feather was left in my sight. It flew away from me as fast as it had arrived, as it was telling me it was enough.
I have to trust the impulse or maybe even a spiritual mandate to limit my favorite characters on the canvas. Otherwise I would not see I was supposed to see.
But I was baffled that the messenger was still missing and I just began the painting. I didn't know what to do.
Next morning, I heard the grunt of the moose. "Is he the messenger?" No, he could not. Because he himself was looking for safety and guidance.
I was about to put realistic details when the moose just disappeared from my vision.
And two bald eagles started circling around. I decided to be guided just by the sounds, and figure out the stories, to purely spontaneous strokes paint.
The spirit reviews to me the final painting only if I paint what was given to me at that particular time. They must be authentic with the slightest nuances. The actual reason why is I do not plan anything in detail from the very beginning.
Another ray passed by, and howl of wolf was bouncing off the cave walls. I doubted the wolf was that messenger. Because by the time the echos of howl dissipated, I couldn't spot him anymore.
I was unafraid to keep on painting in searching for my messenger. Then it hit me: I need to freeze the lake and freeze it fast. I was certain that the freeze lake would stay here, unchanged.
It was getting more and more refrigerated here, I really felt it. My hands started shake from a bit cold, so much that I forgot to turn on the camara to film a huge change in the story.
I had been absolutely positive that no human being would be on this particular canvas. But I was wrong.
Against all my expectations, here was the man and his loyal horse. They had lost the way and taken a refuge in the cave. Now I understood why I had to freeze the lake. The trouble was how to escape the cave to go home.
But the ice was too thin in most areas for crossing. So here they were desperate to leave the cave. When suddenly a loud call from above echoed -- the same bald eagle which I had been searching for on my canvas for quite a while was flying over the lone strangers, encouraging them to follow him. Step by step, the lost travelers were carefully guided crossing the frozen patches out the dark cave.
The messenger was finally found. It was the eagle, the spirit.
The only way I could be let to end the story was by listening to the spirit call from the very beginning to the end, by listening to the every move of the flight of the eagle, every drip falling down from the cave wall I suppose and every cracking sound of the freezing lake.
This time around I was led to an unexpected message: a faith and guidance.

Akiane In 9 Minutes - YouTube
TBN Praise The Lord - YouTube
Akiane on The Katie Couric Show - YouTube
Akiane Kramarik Paintings: The Meaningful Stories Behind
Akiane Kramarik | CONVERSATIONS AT KCTS 9 - YouTube

Enya - Journey of the Angels (Lyric Video) - YouTube


The Messager

During the time I was riding my bike one early autumn morning, a thing happened unfamiliarly, I distinctly heard the name of my next painting: "The Messager". I was so relieved, insofar as both the title and image already designed for me, all at my finger tips.

During the time I was riding my bike one early autumn morning, a thing happened to my surprise, I considerably heard the name of my next painting: "The Messager". I was so relieved, both the title and image already for me, the entire at my finger tips. I could not further wait around the time of the next morning.
When I started to present with bright white color in kind of ordered form, a snow owl was in flight.

During the time I was riding my bike one early autumn morning, a thing happened peculiarly, I distinctly heard the name of my next painting: "The Messager". I was so relieved, insofar as both the title and blueprint already for me, all at my finger tips.
(Gathering the shaded letters above)
The first name of God is green. The second name of God and the third are brick red. The last name of God is blue.


The Messager

At the moment that I was leisurely riding my bike one morning of early autumn, an extraordinary offbeat happened, I just heard manifestly the name of my next painting: "The Messager". I was so relieved, both the headline and image already intended for me, all possible at my finger tips. I could not wait before the coming of the next morning. At the moment that I presented with white painting in ordered form, a snow owl flying in the air of canvas. But the more details were highlighted aboard the canvas, the fewer details unfortunately remained inside the range of my vision. And the last judgment was competent to save an explicit image among my mind.
Next off I noticed a nest. Whereas by the time I packed into eggs, the owl vanished. Not a feather was left in my vision.

(To be continued)

基督教會合唱詩歌《神名的意義》 - YouTube


The Messager
At the moment that I presented with white painting in regular line, a snow owl flying in the air of canvas. But the more details were highlighted in the canvas, the fewer details practically remained in my vision.

(In short)
Ruin the CCP.

科幻小说、电影《三体Three-Body》,宣称的星际文明法则,所谓的“黑暗森林法则”完全是胡说八道、垃圾货色。其作者、导演、参与者们及fans, 就像是一群井底之蛙。难道他们还以为上帝不知道地球上有上帝创造的人类吗?若没有上帝一直以来的保护,地球人很可能被毁灭多次了(包括核战争的自毁和天体的撞击)。宇宙的法则,是上帝的法则,是互助、互爱的法则。这法则容不得像中共这样的败类。
当你听到习近平在中共前党魁江泽民的悼词中称其为“伟大的无产阶级革命家”时,不觉得可笑吗?公布一下江泽民家族的财产 -- 真是自欺欺人


《流浪地球》、《流浪地球2》也是中共及其fans的吹牛的作品。很难想象,没有信仰的人在航天事业上能有长足的进步。相反,人类及天使们都听到了在阿波罗8号登月前,宇航员们集体朗读了《创世纪》。阿波羅8號宇航員朗讀創世記- 維基百科
中共权贵阶层不可告人地拥有大量的财富,但对百姓的疾苦却漠不关心,没有同情心和责任感。街上流浪的人那麽多,它却宣称全社会面已经脱贫、进入小康社会。中共被宣判了下地狱,自己都救不了他们自己,但仍然梦想要拯救地球 -- 痴人说梦话。


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GMT+8, 2025-1-28 11:50

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