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最后的审判 (917) “那个信使”的信息 续二

发表于 2023-2-3 13:08:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2023-2-24 19:21 编辑

The Messager
The Messenger by Akiane portrays a bald eagle guiding a lost traveller out of a cave.

''The Messenger'' by Akiane - YouTube

The Messenger (续二)
The spirit reviews to me the final painting only if I paint what was given to me at that particular time. They must be authentic with the slightest nuances. The actual reason why is I do not plan anything in detail from the very beginning.
Another ray passed by, and howl of wolf was bouncing off the cave walls. I doubted the wolf was that messenger. Because by the time the echos of howl dissipated, I couldn't spot him anymore.
I was unafraid to keep on painting in searching for my messenger. Then it hit me: I need to freeze the lake and freeze it fast. I was certain that the freeze lake would stay here, unchanged.

(To be continued)

2023年2月5日主日直播– 奧克蘭北岸華人浸信會
西华基督教会F堂| 服事人员| 2022年终回顾视频 - YouTube


The Messenger (续二)

The reason being the mystic spirit analyses to me in the wake of painting provided I paint what was merely given to me at that singular time. They must be true to life and confirmed with the slightest modulations. And the matter-of-fact ground why is I do not plan anything into detail from the very beginning.
An additional beam next slipped past, and howl of wolf was high rebounding the cave walls. I highly doubted the wolf was the unobjectionable messenger. The reason being at the same time that the echos of howl of wolf strangely stopped having, I couldn't find him anymore.
It must be confessed I was expecting to carry on painting in further searching toward my unobjectionable messenger. At the time the mystic spirit reminded me: I need to freeze the lake and also freeze it soon enough. I was confident that the freezing lake would be in this spot, unchanged.

(To be continued)
Comment: If there is no God, what is this then?

重磅:活着的金字塔,波斯尼亚金字塔(上) - YouTube
重磅:活着的金字塔,波斯尼亚金字塔(下) - YouTube
埃及金字塔记录下公元前10500年的天文合相 - YouTube
2005年,歐洲發現『活著的金字塔』竟還與『特斯 ... - YouTube

Comment: The explanation of pyramid contains the name of God. "This is because the Pyramid of the Sun points 100 percent to true north."

对于以上所提到的金字塔的建造者,分析者们普遍都忽略了众神是建造者的可能性。几乎所有的专家和学者都以人类出现的时间来衡量事件发生的可能性。好比说,上帝造山的时候,人类在哪儿呢?宇宙里的许许多多肉眼看到的和看不到的,都是上帝带领众神建造的,而这些东西早于人类的出现而存在 -- 圣灵用打闪来表示:认同这一点!首先,太阳金字塔是不是一座building?如果是,它真北的朝向是不是精确?而这种精确就已经排除了处于石器时代人类建筑的可能。



那些在属于上帝的土地上生活的、却做着让上帝厌恶的事情的人,就请你们马上离开,去找到那些属于你们自己的任何地方,无论是在外太空、地下或海里 -- 如果你们能找到的话。但是,如果找不到,又不想悔改自己所做过的恶行,有个地方早已为你们准备好了。中共份子们及其支持者们,你们也别继续叫嚷什么“流浪地球The Wandering Earth”,因为地球上没有你们的容身之地。



南美古迹系列不是人类技术的普玛彭古 - YouTube


The Messenger (续二)

They must be true to life and confirmed with the slightest nuances. And the matter-of-fact ground why is I do not plan anything into detail from the very beginning.

(In short)
Ruin the CCP.

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GMT+8, 2025-1-28 11:54

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