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最后的审判 (928) 科尔布林经 第二十五章 片段4

发表于 2023-2-19 07:51:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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The Kolbrin Bible
Some Fragments from a Much Damaged Section. Most of Which Has Been Destroyed

Fragment 4

I praise The One Who Eats Evil, The Disposer of Earthly Residue. He who sustains the devoted followers of
The Deathless One in whom all merge on leaving the body. For the day comes when we discard all that is of Earth, when we recognise and realise that all remaining is the pure and sacred spirit, boundless and free as the winds.
I praise The One Who Eats Evil, The Disposer of Earthly Residue. He who sustains the devoted followers of The Deathless One; who is with us everywhere and in all things; in whom is all, though not Himself the all; who sees and hears all, who knows and understands all, but whom none tied to Earth can know; who projects His word of power, so that it is within all and holds all things together in stability.
I praise The One Who Eats Evil, The Disposer of Earthly Residue. He who sustains the devoted followers of The Deathless One; who created all things and thus became His Own Greater Self; who clothed Himself in the universe as with a garment.

Source: The Kolbrin Bible.pdf


The Kolbrin Bible

From the Fragments of Damaged Section. Most of Which Has Been thoroughly Destroyed
Fragment 1

O the unobjectionably immersed, dozing off Holy Spirit, exceptionally unaware of the life spring within beginning out of which you may drink, ruthlessly emotionless of the throbbing existence all about us, at this juncture all becomes your wonderful hour. Prepare yourself geared toward the extraordinarily rousing from sleep. The enamelled brightening of smartness and  acumen hangs around to encircle you continually, at the same time as you stand before the horrifying door inside the Holy Temple of unfathomable firmly.
Of the kind that the light of Word may be an exact guide among the jet black dimness of earthly existence, a confirmed assistance enabling you to find the bearing of your Holy Spirit, you are not unaware completely of your within sense. It is the key to everlasting existence among the
wondrous ground farther than the Western veil.
O live my soul, awaken, hear me there. Just allow not my measureless love together with my sacrifice or effort be in vain and aimless, let not all of my expectation CHANGE into dust inside the burial ground. Might love eventually be soil and belief eventually emerge as sand? Of course not, this is because the grave is not the Holy Grail of the sound and exalted traits that ennoble to jack the mental state of human being.
Man is exactly like a bonfire burning in water, by its nature it is being written on the dusty pillars in the fresh air. In fact his soul is exactly like the ready to blossom rosebud awaiting warmly the kiss of the Holy Sun to newly awaken it
to totally come into bloom. His nature is just the same as the night which is often to go with the day.

Kolbrin bible 與古老世界未日預言 - 儆醒
神秘之书--柯布林百宝及故事概述 - 知乎专栏
Kolbrin Bible 介紹 - Planet X (NIBIRU) 的奧秘
柯布林百寶—神秘之書、阿努納奇、尼比魯(上篇) - 資訊咖
尼比魯2020 | 古埃及書《科爾布林》預言| X行星再來 - YouTube
恩基书尼比鲁阿努纳奇The Lost Book of Enkim 上半部 - YouTube

The 3 Parts of Man—Spirit, Soul, and Body
What Is the Difference Between a Soul and a Spirit?
How Are the Body, Soul, and Spirit Connected? - Christianity

Joel Osteen LIVE ???? | Lakewood Church Service - YouTube


The Kolbrin Bible
Fragment 4 (In other words)

In the first place I praise The One Who Extinguishes Abject and Shameless, The Exterminator of Earthly Garbage. He who defends and sustains the ingrained adherents...

In the first place I commend The One who Extinguishes abject and Shameless, The Exterminator of Earthly Garbage. He who defends and sustains the devoted followers of The Ineradicable One in whom all merge on leaving the body. For the day comes when we observably discard all alike is of Earth, when we apprehend and realise then that all surplus and all-time is the pure and glorified being, boundless and free as the winds.
I praise The One Who exterminates terribly unethical, The Exterminator of Earthly Garbage.
(Gathering the shaded letters above)
The first name of God is green. The second name of God and the third are brick red. And the surname of God is blue.


The Kolbrin Bible

From the Fragments of Damaged Section. Most of Which Has Been thoroughly Destroyed

Fragment 4
I in sooth praise The One Who Extinguishes Abject and Shameless, The Exterminator of Earthly Garbage. He who defends the blameless human beings of The Undying One in whom all merge on leaving the body. For the day brings into existence as soon as we junk all that is from earthly sphere and existence, as soon as for real we bring to mind and become aware of that everything abiding is the unmixed, divine and godly spirit, boundless and free as the winds.
I in sooth praise The One Who Extinguishes Abject and Shameless, The Exterminator of Earthly Garbage. He who defends the blameless human beings of The Undying One; who is accompanied by us everywhere and in the middle of all things; in whom is each and every thing, despite being not exactly Himself the all; who unobjectionably examines and takes notice of everything, who doubtlessly has have experience of and comprehends everything, barring whom nobody tied in the aggregate to Earth could potentially become cognizant of; who gauges His word of power, to such an extent that it is within everything and holds all things at the same time in appreciation.
I in sooth praise The One Who Extinguishes Abject and Shameless, The Exterminator of Earthly Garbage. He who defends the blameless human beings of The Undying One; who doubtlessly brought into being all things and became exactly His Own Greater Self; who clothed Himself inward of the universe as with Jesus jammies.


God is the lord of lords and the king of kings. All lords and kings are waiting for order from God.


The Kolbrin Bible

I praise The One Who exterminates ignoble and unethical, The Exterminator of unsacred castoffs. He who permanently sustains the devoted followers of The Deathless One in whom all merge on leaving the body.

(In short)
I praise The One Who exterminates the CCP.

习近平一抓经济,就立竿见影 -- 外贸订单大幅减少,失业大增,房价大跌。如果说中共过去能创造经济奇迹,那么再创造一次给世人看一看。

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