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最后的审判 (932) 孟子•公孙丑上 续十五

发表于 2023-2-22 08:37:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I (续十五)
Mencius said, 'Benevolence brings glory to a prince, and the opposite of it brings disgrace. For the princes of the present day to hate disgrace and yet to live complacently doing what is not benevolent, is like hating moisture and yet living in a low situation. If a prince hates disgrace, the best course for him to pursue, is to esteem virtue and honour virtuous scholars, giving the worthiest among them places of dignity, and the able offices of trust. When throughout his kingdom there is leisure and rest from external troubles, let him, taking advantage of such a season, clearly digest the principles of his government with its legal sanctions, and then even great kingdoms will be constrained to stand in awe of him. It is said in the Book of Poetry, "Before the heavens were dark with rain, I gathered the bark from the roots of the mulberry trees, And wove it closely to form the window and door of my nest; Now, I thought, ye people below, Perhaps ye will not dare to insult me." Confucius said, "Did not he who made this ode understand the way of governing?" If a prince is able rightly to govern his kingdom, who will dare to insult him? But now the princes take advantage of the time when throughout their kingdoms there is leisure and rest from external troubles, to abandon themselves to pleasure and indolent indifference - they in fact seek for calamities for themselves. Calamity and happiness in all cases are men's own seeking. This is illustrated by what is said in the Book of Poetry - Be always studious to be in harmony with the ordinances of God, So you will certainly get for yourself much happiness;" and by the passage of the Tai Jia, "When Heaven sends down calamities, it is still possible to escape from them; when we occasion the calamities ourselves, it is not possible any longer to live."

(End of Chapter Four)
公孫丑上- Gong Sun Chou I - Mengzi - Chinese Text Project


Mencius - Wikipedia
《孟子》中的规矩之道 - 党建网
孟子- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
孟子与“孔孟之道”的形成 - 光明网

孔子和孟子核心思想的区别? - 知乎
孟子(战国时期儒家代表人物) - 百度百科

孔子并非是孟子的老师,孔孟之间的关系,原来是这样的 - 搜狐

Amazing Grace - Wikipedia
奇異恩典- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Amazing Grace (John Newton) - YouTube
250 Years Ago Today: John Newton's 'Amazing Grace' First ...


公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I (续十五)
Then Mencius discussed, 'Benevolence brings glory to a prince, and the unkindness and mean-spiritedness of it brings odium. On the strength of the princes of the present day to disdain shame and yet to exist complacently doing what is not benevolent, is just the same as hating sprinkle of rain and already existing in a low condition. With the understanding that a prince disdains shame, the best routing for him to try to find, is to hold in high regard moral and admire virtuous and blameless scholars, by giving the maximal and also major amid them places of exaltation and glory, and the able offices of assurance. At the time in every part of the kingdom there is leisure and rest away from external troubles, let him, taking advantage of dem a season, clearly take in the enactments of his government with its legal codes, then even big kingdoms will be exceptionally constrained to stand in awe of him. It is unquestionably mentioned in the Book of Poetry, "Just before the atmosphere was dark with rain, I gathered excitedly the bark arising out of the roots of the mulberry trees, And began weaving it solidly to finish the window and gate of my nest; At the moment, I in point of fact thought, ye bods below, As the case may be ye ought not dare to calumniate me." Then Confucius said, "Did not he who made this piece of poetry have knowledge of the method of governing?" Providing that a prince is able befittingly to assume command his kingdom, next who will dare to offend him? Just the same just as the princes take advantage of defining moment when in every part of their kingdoms undoubtedly there is leisure and relaxation away from external troubles, to bloomingly abandon themselves to pleasure and indolent indifference - they in point of fact seek for crumblings or disasters for themselves. Mischance and happiness without exception are men's own in search of. Given this is showed justifiably by means of what is said in the Book of Poetry - Be without exception learned to be in harmony along with the enactments of God, Therefore you will certainly obtain for yourself much wellbeing;" and by the passage of the Book of Documents Tai Jia, "When Heaven sends down jinxes, it is also possible to escape from them; whilst we occasion the major calamities ourselves, it is not possible any longer to live."


(End of Chapter Four)


公孫丑上 - Gong Sun Chou I (续十五)

and by the passage of the Tai Jia, "When Heaven sends down calamities, it is still possible to escape from them; when men occasion the calamities themselves, it is not possible any longer to live."

(Collecting the bold letters above)
The CCP occasion the calamities themselves, it is not possible any longer to live.

《尚书: 商书: 太甲》(太甲【含商汤嫡长孙,以暴【】虐著称) 曰:『天作孽,猶可違;自作孽,不可活。』

中共封城三年导致外贸订单流失;花费上亿人民币做核酸检测、大建无用的方舱,现在没钱了 -- 这怪谁呀?难道不是自己造成的吗?

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