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最后的审判 (997) 以诺二书 第31章 创世纪补八 其一

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2 Enoch
Translated by F. Andersen

Chapter 31 (Part 1)

God hands over paradise to Adam, and gives him a command to look upon the heavens, open, and that he might look upon the angels, singing the triumphal song.

“Adam – Mother; earthly and life. And I created a garden in Edem, in the east, so that he might keep the agreement and preserve the commandment.

And I created for him an open heaven, so that he might look upon the angels, singing the triumphal song.

(To be continued)

Source: 2 Enoch

2 Enoch

以诺书(中英文对照版) - Flip PDF

創世記第二章 - 中文和合本聖經查詢系統
暴擊頭腦的發現,《聖經》伊甸園在四川!【文昭思緒飛揚241 ...

14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,
15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.
16 These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage. (Jude KJV)

14 亚当的七世孙以诺曾预言这些人说:“看哪,主带着他的千万圣者降临, 15 要在众人身上行审判,证实那一切不敬虔的人所妄行一切不敬虔的事,又证实不敬虔之罪人所说顶撞他的刚愎话。” 16 这些人是私下议论,常发怨言的,随从自己的情欲而行,口中说夸大的话,为得便宜谄媚人。(犹大书)


Message of Fatima Ep 07 - YouTube
The Real Third Secret of Fatima - YouTube
Everything you need to know about Fatima (Part 1)
Everything you need to know about Fatima (Part 2)
Fatima: The Meaning of the Third Secret - YouTube
隱藏了百年的關於這個世界的第三個預言| 老高與小茉Mr & Mrs ...

We may find out what is the secret about the third secret in few days.



2 Enoch
Chapter 31 (In other words)
“In the first place Adam and Mother (that is, nickname of Euva) lived in earthly life. And I brought into being a garden in Edem, existing in the east, so that he might keep the agreement and preserve the commandment.

“Adam and Mother (i.e, Euva) lived in earthly life. And I created a second to none garden in Edem, in the east, in such a manner he is able to follow the pledge and uphold the commandment.
Along with, I created for him a cleared heaven, so that he might observe distinct kind of angels, singing the admired song.

“Adam and Mother (i.e, Euva) lived in earthly life. And I peculiarly constructed a garden in Edem, in the east, in such a manner he is able to follow the pledge and uphold the commandment.
And I artistically created for him an open heaven, so that he might possibly survey the angels, singing the triumphal song.

(Gathering the shaded letters above to form a sentence afresh)
The first name of God is green. The second name of God and third are brick red. The last name of God is blue.


2 Enoch
Chapter 31 (Part 1)

God hands over paradise to Adam, together with gives him an enactment openly to look upon the heavens, so that he as a human being is able to look upon the angels, and to sing the song of praise. (Gathering the shades letters above to form a sentence: God hands over his name openly to human beings to look up, and to sing the song of praise.)

God hands over paradise to Adam, and gives him a command to stare the heavens, so that he as a human being is able to open eyes to see the nameless angels of God, and to sing the song of praise. (Gathering the shades letters above to form a sentence: God commands human beings to open eyes to see the name of God, and to sing the song of praise.)

“Adam and Mother (that is, nickname of Euva) lived in earthly life. And I brought into being a garden in Edem, existing in the east edge, in order that he is able to keep to himself the major agreement as well as the extraordinary commandment.*

Soon after I brought into BEING toward him a heaven recognisably, in such a manner he really is able to view lots of angels, alongside singing the exhilarating song.

(To be continued)

*refer to 最后的审判 (980) 以诺二书 第30章 创世纪补七 其四 续六 The End


2 Enoch
Chapter 31 (Part 1)

“Adam and Mother lived in earthly life. And I brought into being a garden in Edem, in the east, in such a way that he could perhaps keep the agreement and preserve the commandment.

(In short)

Ruin the CCP.


1 此 後 , 我 看 見 另 有 一 位 有 大 權 柄 的 天 使 從 天 降 下 , 地 就 因 他 的 榮 耀 發 光 。

2 他 大 聲 喊 著 說 : 巴 比 倫 大 城 倒 塌 了倒 塌 了 (原 文 :傾 倒 了!傾 倒 了!) ! 成 了 鬼 魔 的 住 處 和 各 樣 污 穢 之 靈 的 巢 穴 ( 或 作 : 牢 獄 ; 下 同 ) , 並 各 樣 污 穢 可 憎 之 雀 穴 。

3 (所以这样说,是) 因 為 列 國 被 他 邪 淫 大 怒 的 酒 傾 倒 了 。 地 上 的 君 王 與 他 行 淫 ; 地 上 的 客 商 因 他 奢 華 太 過 就 發 了 財 。

4 我 又 聽 見 從 天 上 有 聲 音 說 : 我 的 民 哪 , 你 們 要 從 那 城 出 來 , 免 得 與 他 一 同 有 罪 , 受 他 所 受 的 災 殃 ;

5 因 他 的 罪 惡 滔 天 ; 他 的 不 義 神 已 經 想 起 來 了 。

10 因怕她的痛苦,就远远地站着说:‘哀哉!哀哉!巴比伦大城,坚固的城啊,一时之间你的刑罚就来到了!’ 11 地上的客商也都为她哭泣悲哀,因为没有人再买他们的货物了。

11 地上的客商也都为她哭泣悲哀,因为没有人再买他们的货物了。

17 一时之间,这么大的富厚就归于无有了!’凡船主和坐船往各处去的,并众水手,连所有靠海为业的,都远远地站着,

20 天哪,众圣徒、众使徒、众先知啊!你们都要因她欢喜,因为神已经在她身上申(含)了你们的冤。”
21 有一位大力的天使[艰难(谐音:)地]举起一块石头,好像大磨石,扔在里说:“(大淫妇所在的)巴比伦大城也必这样猛力地被扔下去,决不能再见了。

倒 塌(含) 了 ! 倒 塌 了!其意无非是:习倒了。

第四句,大家都知道,现在世界上各主要民主国家纷纷与中共国划清界限。因为“免 得 與 他 一 同 有 罪 , 受 他 所 受 的 災 殃”。连受中共蛊惑的意大利及马克龙等,也纷纷觉醒。


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