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最后的审判 (1093) 佛說彌勒大成佛經 其十二

发表于 2023-9-25 14:43:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2023-9-29 12:44 编辑

Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood
Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese in the Yao Chin Dynasty
by The Tripitaka Master Kumarajiva from Kucha

Part Twelve

“Because of the merit of the people, everywhere around the streets and alleys there will be luminous gems mounted on poles, twelve lis in height. Their light, surpassing the sunlight, will reach 80 yojanas in each of the four directions. This pure golden light will shine day and night. In comparison, the light of lamps and candles would be like pooled ink. When fragrant winds blow, the luminous gems on the poles will rain down necklaces of jewels, and people will wear them as naturally as if they were enjoying the bliss in the third dhyāna. Everywhere there will be gold, silver, jewels, precious gems, and so forth, piled high like mountains. These treasure mountains will radiate light to illuminate the entire city. Whenever touched by this light, people will be happy and activate the bodhi mind.

Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's ...
Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood

彌勒下生成佛記彌勒成佛經佛說彌勒大成佛經佛典 ... - YouTube


彌勒菩薩- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

The prophecy really came true! Maitreya Buddha is about to die!
佛说弥勒大成佛经讲记(天佑法师) - 弥勒菩萨专题·释义 - 显密文库

你们看,易经、佛经等等经书,如果只从原文读,是晦涩难懂的。如果将古文翻译成白话文,再从白话文翻译成英文来读,就会容易理解。重要的是:真正的秘密正是隐藏着英文当中。举个例子,几年前,中国国内炒作紫薇圣人,有些人拿“推背图”44象里的“双羽四足”来大做文章**。习近平的手下就因为繁体的“習”字里有个“羽”字,就拿着鸡毛当令箭,宣称习近平就是那个圣人 -- 可笑。同时也说明,汉语是很容易被别有用心的人钻空子的。
话说,习近平被喽喽们捧上了天,他飘飘然的,还真以为他自己是圣人,今天发明一个说法叫做“人类命运共同体”,明天来个“大撒币(Tossing big money like a great idiot)”,后天又给谁谁指明了道路。中共借着承办奥运成功的东风,发展了几十年的经济,着实赢得了国内外的一片掌声 -- 这也是圣经创世纪第三章第十五节说的意思,即:中共败坏了圣人的头衔;而真正的圣人却要打击中共的基础。*






Buddha Pronounces the Sutra
of Maitreya Bodhisattva's `Attainment of Buddhahood

Part Twelve

“Because of the men and women's significant high quality, everywhere existing in the alleys or streets there will be justifiably luminescent gems affixed on pillars, sort of twelve lis in height. Their lights, beating the sunlight, should polish off 80 yojanas in every single one of the directions. This unfathomable single golden ray of light will shimmer spasmodically without end. Approximately, the ray of lamps and candles would be just the same as consolidated thick ink. At the time fragrant winds blow, the luminous gems affixed on pillars will rain down necklaces of jewels, and human beings shall fit and have on them as naturally as if they were enjoying the bliss among the third dhyāna. In large numbers there will be lots of gold, silver, jewels, exorbitant gemstones, and similar things, assembled high just the same as mountains. These treasure mountains will expire ray of light to bathe in light the entire city. In case touched by this kind of light, human beings shall like a flash be exhilarated and also just wake manifestly the bodhi mind.


Buddha Pronounces the Sutra
of Maitreya Bodhisattva's `Attainment of Buddhahood (
Part Twelve)

Everywhere there will be gold, silver, jewels, precious diamonds, and the rest, stacked high much like peaks.

Ruin the CCP.

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