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最后的审判 (1133) 佛說彌勒大成佛經 其三十六

发表于 2023-11-25 14:33:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 日月同辉有其中 于 2024-4-10 09:05 编辑

Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood
Translated from Sanskrit into Chinese in the Yao Chin Dynasty
by The Tripitaka Master Kumarajiva from Kucha

Part Thirty Six

He will tell the Brahma-kings, ‘In the long night, I have undergone tremendous suffering and practiced the six pāramitās. Finally, I have today fully revealed the Dharma ocean. To pronounce the Dharma to you all, I will rightfully erect the Dharma banner, beat the Dharma drum, blow the Dharma conch shell, and rain down the Dharma rain. Gods and humans cannot turn the Dharma wheel of the Eightfold Right Path, which can be turned only by Buddhas. This path is impartial, and it leads straight to the unsurpassed silence and stillness of that which is asaṁskṛta. It can enable sentient beings to end their suffering in the long night. This Dharma is so profound that it is hard to obtain, hard to enter, hard to believe, and hard to understand. No one in the world can know it or see it. However, through it, one can cleanse one’s mental defilements and accomplish myriads of Brahma actions.’

Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's ...
Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood

彌勒下生成佛記彌勒成佛經佛說彌勒大成佛經佛典 ... - YouTube


彌勒菩薩- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

弥勒下生经- 维基百科,自由的百科全书



接近地球的50个星座加上另外38个星座就是现在的宇宙。但由于上帝使得宇宙膨胀,以后会有更多的星座。88个星座之间之间许多都有着深刻的矛盾,并且由于科技的高度发达,全部都有核打击与核报复的能力,也就是说,一旦受到核攻击,就能毁灭对方 -- 即所谓的“恐怖的平衡”。这种所谓的平衡,却并没有他们想象中的那样有保障,换言之,这种所谓的平衡极其容易因为一个小小的判断失误而失败,造成毁灭性的后果 -- 正如在火星上曾经发生的那样。50个星座的首领也充分地认识到了这一点,但由于谁也不想因此而减少核武器的研发,也至于他们核打击的能力越来越强,也越来越危险。他们这次来也是想倾听上帝的教诲,并且都坚信只有上帝才能拯救他们,让他们脱离危险的境地。

提前通知:现在的地球自古以来就是一个三维世界。 然而,由于上帝的旨意,从2023年12月13日新西兰时间0点开始,三维世界将转变为四维世界。 到时候,全世界的人类和灵体都会比较三维世界和四维世界的差异。以此,再次证明上帝所言非虚。


In the following interpretation, notice how many times the word Messiah is mentioned; and intuitively understand what a gatha is.


Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood

Part Thirty Six

Officially, the Buddha will reel off the Brahma-kings, ‘In the long night, I have undergone profound and rather shocking suffering and practiced the six pāramitās. Finally, I have this current day became aware of the Dharma ocean systematically. Through to publicise the Dharma to you every single, I will relevantly ramp the Dharma banner, chastise vibrantly the Dharma drum, also puff the Dharma seashell, besides rain hard the Dharma rain. Definitely not of the Gods and human beings cannot exactly whirl around the Dharma wheel of the Eightfold Right Path, which can be turned by Buddhas just. And its meaning is impartial, and it experiences straight to the unsurpassed silence and calmness of that which is asaṁskṛta. This being the case it can enable sentient beings to end their misery, injury and discomfort inthe big long night. This Dharma even is sophisticated that it is excessively hard to obtain, rather hard to join, hard to manifest, and exceedingly hard to comprehend. No human being in the world can have knowledge of it or glimpse it. Despite this, via this, every single one can cleanse and remit one’s mental mortifications and bring off myriads of Brahma actions.’


Buddha Pronounces the Sutra of Maitreya Bodhisattva's Attainment of Buddhahood (
Part Thirty Six)

This path is impartial, and it leads straight to the unsurpassed silence and tranquilness of that which is asaṁskṛta. It can enable sentient beings to end their suffering in the long night. This Dharma is considerably perceptive that it is hard to obtain...

Ruin the CCP.

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