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发给MIT 校长的抗议Email - 中国人要有血性(组图)










发表于 2006-4-26 02:40:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  一个任教于麻省理工的日本叫兽 Shigereu Miyagawa的发布了OLD CHINA NEW






综合了一下大家的意见和朋友的修改,起草的下面的Email, 欢迎大家修改.




  当有人在挖你们家祖坟, 你还没点血性,那他妈还叫男人吗!!!


  Dear Dr. Hockfield,

  I am a Chinese Assistant Professor at XXX University. I am very
shocked and upset to see the webpages that Professor Shigery
Miyagawa posted for his course at your university, MIT. In these
webpages, Professor Miyagawa posted a number of drawings, which he
called ARTS and many of these drawings depict beheading of Chinese
civilians and soldiers by Japanese captives during the 1894-1895
Japanese invasion war to China. The texts and drawings

  Chinese people by arrogantly glorifying the fascism and atrocity
of Japanese army. The link to the webpages is as follows:


  Prof. Miyagawa claimed that these paintings are “arts” and only
used to illustrate the thoughts and/or stereotypes of the Japanese
in the period of imperial Japan. However, as a Chinese, I feel
these so-called arts are very offensive and insulting. It is NOT
cceptable to glorify brutality of the Japanese army and propagate
the killing of innocent civilians. These images remind people from
all over the world of the heinous crimes that imperial Japan
committed to hinese, Korean, people from other Asian countries
during their notorious invasion and occupation of these countries
in the last century. The drawings themselves have already showed
the brutality and atrocity of the war, which may be used to educate
people to avoid a rehearsal of such a horrible history. However,
the whole contexts including these drawings do NOT show any
introspection and are NOT neutral either for educational purposes,
rather, the contexts express an appreciation of these inhuman and
beast-like activities on Chinese and convey a message to
discriminate and humiliate a whole race – Chinese. So I wonder what
the purpose of these drawings is, to

  educate MIT students and/or Boston community to appreciate these
brutal actions of Japanese army and simulate these actions, or just
simply to discriminate Chinese???

  Let us consider some analogous examples here. Would you and MIT
allow or encourage to publicly exhibit any so-called arts that
glorify the history of Pear Harbor and that beautify the victory of
Japanese army by killing and murdering American soldiers and
citizens on December 7, 1941??? Would you and MIT allow or
encourage to publish any so-called arts that glorify Nazi’s history
of killing Jewish people and other European people in World War

  Would you and MIT allow or encourage to publicly post any
so-called arts that glorify the 911 and beautify the victory of the
terrorists by killing and murdering American civilians on September
11, 2001??? In my eyes, these things certainly are NOT arts, and I
feel they are insults and humiliations to the ART and, more
importantly, they are huge disrespects and insults to millions of
the victims and their families and offspring.

  If you and MIT really think those paintings at the above MIT
webpages are ARTS , why don’t you select some pictures from the
following website which shows what “ARTWORKS” that Japanese army
did in Nanjing Massacre in 1937 and post them. According to Prof.
Miyagawa, those real pictures are ARTS too!


  I cannot believe that MIT, one of the most prestigious
universities in the world, could allow to post such webpages with
an appreciation of the war violence and discrimination over a whole
race. I seriously request removal of these offensive and misleading
webpages from MIT. I also request a sincere apology from Prof.
Miyagawa and MIT for publicly posting such discriminating and
insulting webpages on me and the whole Chinese community of all
over the world. I reserve all the right including the protest and
lawsuit against Prof.

  Miyagawa and MIT for the discrimination and insults that the
webpages above at MIT put on me and the whole Chinese Community in
the whole world. I also send this email to Dr. Yablo, Dr. Ritvo,
and Prof. Miyagawa, but I would like to bring this issue up to you
as well. I look forward to hearing from you.



  A CHINESE (Here I don't represent XXX University. I represent
myself and my Chinese Fellows!)
alskdjreyfd 该用户已被删除
发表于 2007-11-1 02:18:20 | 显示全部楼层
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