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Satan -- 撒殚,是犹太基督系宗教里的恶魔之王。
Lucifer -- 路斯弗,堕落天使。
Abyss -- 无底地狱。佛教中亦有阿鼻地狱(Abichi Hell)之说。




马克思主义源自一个撒殚教秘密组织 --- 很少马克思主义者知道这一点。

The origin of Marxism is within a satanic mystery cult - something which very few Marxists are aware.



In early youth, Marx was a Christian. The first of Marx's known works was entitled, "Unity of believers in Christ according to the Gospel of John 15:1-14: Unity's meaning, unconditional necessity, and influence." Here we find the following words: "Union with Christ is found in a close and living fellowship with Him and in the fact that we always have Him before our eyes and in our hearts. And at the same time that we are possessed by the greatest love of Him, we direct our hearts to our brothers, with whom He bound us closely, and for whom He sacrificed Himself."


So Marx was aware of the way in which people may show brotherly love towards each other, that is, through Christianity.

马克思继续写道:“因此,与基督的合一,使我们的内在升华,使考验得到慰籍,使我们心灵敞开关爱他人 --- 这不是因为我们骄傲或渴望名声,而是因为基督。”

He continues: "Therefore, unity with Christ internally exalts, comforts in trials, and makes the heart open to love people, not because of our pride or thirst for fame, but because of Christ."



At the about the same period of time, he writes in his work entitled: "Thoughts of a young man before choosing a profession":

"Religion teaches us the Ideal to Whom we all aspire. He has sacrificed Himself for all mankind. Who will dare to deny such assertions? If we have chosen a profession at which we may give our best to mankind, then we won't falter under its burden, because it is a sacrifice for all."



When he graduated from high school, his diploma contained the following in the category "Religious knowledge":

"His knowledge of Christian teachings and principles is clear and properly based. He also knows the history of Christian church to a great extent."

马克思获得文凭不久,一件非常灵异之事发生了。在 Moses Gess 于 1841 年把马克思导向社会主义信念之前,他已成为一名热烈的无神论者。这种性格转变,在其学生时代的后期表现出来。

Soon after receiving of his diploma, something very mysterious happened. Even before Moses Gess led Marx to socialistic persuasions in 1841, he had become a zealous atheist. This change character could be seen in his later student years.


In one of his verses, Marx wrote: "I long to take vengeance on the One Who rules from above." Marx believed that "the One that rules from above" in fact existed. He contended with Him, although God never harmed him. Marx was from a relatively wealthy family. He didn't starve in his childhood and in his student years he lived much better than his friends. So what caused his fierce hatred towards God?


Personal motivations are not available to us. Maybe Marx was only somebody's else speaker in this defiant assertion?




During this period, the following lines are taken from him from the poem entiled: "Conjuration of falling into despair."

I'll set up my throne above, Cold and terrible will be the peak of it. Superstitious trembling is at its base, Master - most black agony.

The one who will look with healthy looks, Will turn away, turn pale and deadly mute. Possessed by blind and cold deathness, will prepare a tomb with his happiness.

坐于王座上的“那一位”,将散布极端的痛苦与恐惧 --- 这个自白和“我将在上苍设立我的王座”一句,使我们想起了路斯弗的骄傲之言:“我要升到天上,在神的众星之上,我将设立我的王座。”(圣经·旧约·以赛亚书 14:13)

The words "I'll set up my throne" and his confession that agony and fear will go forth from the one who is sitting upon the throne, remind us Lucifer's proud boast: "I will ascend to heaven, higher than God's stars I will set up my throne" (Isiah 14:13).

为何马克思需要这样一个王座?马克思在其学生时代写的一个声名狼藉的剧本中,有着答案。这个剧本叫《Oulanem》,里面提及撒殚教的“黑色聚会” --- 这种祭典仪式由一名祭师带领,于午夜时分焚烧一部《圣经》;聚会者发誓要犯(罗马天主教教义中的)全部七宗致命大罪,且永远不做好事;然后,他们进行纵欲狂欢。

Why did Marx need such a throne? The answer for this question is in an infamous drama written by Marx in his student years. The drama is called "Oulanem." There is a mention of a satanic "Black mass," a ritual conducted by a priest at midnight in which a Bible is burned. All present promise to commit all the seven deadly sins mentioned in the Roman Catholic catechism and to never perform any good works. An orgy follows after that.

撒殚崇拜由来已久。在《圣经·旧约·申命记》中我们读到,那些人“向魔鬼献祭”,然后,以色列之王 Jeroboam 设立了高位、牛羊的祭师。

Worship of Satan is very old. In Deuteronomy we read that the Jews "made sacrifices to demons" (32:17). Later, the king of Israel, Jeroboam, set up priests of the high places and of the goats and bulls that he made"(2 Kings 12:25-33).



The "Oulanem" can be understood if we read with Marx's bizarre confession made in the verse "Nidler":

Hellish evaporations rise and fill my brains, Until I will go mad and my heart will not change dramatically. See this sword? The King of darkness sold it to me.


These lines have special meaning when we take into account that during the rituals of higher dedication into a satanic cult, a bewitched sword that guarantees a success is sold to the candidate. He pays for it by signing with his blood taken from his vein the contract which makes his soul belong to Satan after death.


“因为他正在抽空给予记号。我的死亡之舞越来越大胆,而他们也是这样:Oulanem,Oulanem。这名字听起来如同死亡,这声音一直持续,使我们在悲惨的形态中不能自已。停止吧!现在我已拥有它。它从我的灵魂升起,如空气般清晰,如骨骼般坚硬。接下来,你,人格化的人类,我会用我强力的手抓住你,同时用暴烈的力量把你压碎。黑暗中,无底地狱的裂口对我张开,而你也不能幸免,你将堕入其中,我会紧随你之后。大笑和低语声将传入你的耳朵:“下来陪我吧,朋友!”  ”

And now I'll quote "Oulanem":

For he is marking time and giving signs. Bolder and bolder I play the dance of death. And they too: Oulanem, Oulanem. This name sounds like death, Sounds until won't stop in miserable shapes. Halt! Now I have it. It rises from my soul, Clear as air, hard as my bones. And still, you personified mankind, I may take you by the power of my mighty hands and crush with fierce force In the meantime, as the abyss gapes before me and you in the darkness, You will fall in it and I'll follow you, Laughing and whispering into your ear: "Come down with me, friend!"


The Holy Scripture, which Marx learned in high school, says that devil was cast down by an angel into the abyss (Rev. 20:3). Marx wanted to send all mankind into this abyss prepared for the devil and his angels.


Who speaks for Marx in this drama? Is it reasonable to expect this from such a young man - that he would dream that mankind would fall into the abyss (the "outer darkness" as the Bible calls it), and that he himself laughing will follow those who were ensnared by unbelief? Nowhere in the world is this idea cultivated except in the rituals of dedication into the higher degrees of the Satanic church.



The time to die has come for Oulanem. These are his words:

Perished, perished. My time is over. The clock has stopped, the tiny building has fallen. Soon I'll squeeze eternity to me, and with a wild cry Will speak out a curse to all mankind.

马克思喜欢复述哥德的《浮士德》中恶魔 Mephistopheles 的话:“一切存在都应该被毁灭。” 一切 --- 包括工人和那些为共产主义而战的人。马克思喜欢引用这话,而斯大林则忠实执行之,甚至连他自己的家庭都毁掉了。

Marx liked to repeat Mephistopheles' words from Goethe's "Faust": "all existing is worthy to be destroyed." All, including the worker and those who fought for communism in battle. Marx liked to quote these words and Stalin acted according to these words and destroyed even his own family.

撒殚教的成员并非唯物主义者,他们相信死后的生命。Oulanem,这个马克思担任的角色,并不否认死后的生命,而是认为死后的生命充满了最高的仇恨。需要说明的是,对于众魔而言,“永恒”意同“苦刑”。正是因此,众魔指责耶稣:“神的儿子,我们与你有什么相干。时候还没到,你就来让我们受苦吗”( 圣经·新约·马太福音 8:29)

Members of Satan's cult are not materialists. They believe in life after death. Oulanem, the person whose character Marx assumes, does not deny life after death. But acknowledges it as a life full of hate to the highest degree. I should mention that "eternity" means "torture" to demons. This is the reason why demons rebuked Jesus: "And so they cried out: what do you have to do with us, Jesus, Son of God? Have you come to torture us before our time" (Matt. 8:29).


“哈,永恒,我们永远的痛苦,无法描述、无法衡量的灭亡!它是如此可憎,被造作出来,以蔑视我们 --- 而我们本身,作为盲目的时钟机器,生来就是时间和空间的愚蠢日历,我们只是为了毁灭而昙花一现,除此之外,绝无其它目标。”

Marx says the same thing:

Hah, eternity, our eternal pain, Indescribable, unmeasurable death! Disgusting, artificially conceived, To despise us - We, who ourselves, as a clock mechanism Blindly mechanical, created to be Foolish calendars of time and space, Without any purpose, Besides accidental appearance for destruction.


We begin to realize what happened to young Marx. He used to have Christian ideals, but he didn't applying them to his life. His correspondence with his father testifies of spending of large amounts of money for entertainment that caused endless conflicts with his parents. In this situation, he possibly was entangled in the snare of a secret Satanic cult and went through the ritual of dedication. Satan is seen by his followers in hallucinations during the orgies and speaks through their mouths. Marx is just Satan's voice when he proclaims "I want to take vengeance on the One who is above."



把它和我联系起来吧!它必会被诅咒毁灭。我会用我的双手镇压不听话的存在。拥抱着我,它会平静地消褪,然后沉入乌有之处。完全消失,不复存在,那就是 - 生命。”

Let's go to the end of "Oulanem" drama:

Hah! Tortured on the burning wheel, I must happily dance in the circle of eternity: If there would be anything beyond it, I'd jump into it, even if I had to destroy the world for it.

Build between it and me! It must be destroyed with curses. I'll supress stubborn existence by my hands. Embracing me, it should calmly fade out. And then - down to nowhere. Completely disappear, and not to be - that would be - the life.


In the "Oulanem" drama Marx, in fact, does the same thing as the devil. He curses all humanity.

《Oulanem》这种剧本,可能是世上唯一的:在它里面,所有角色都确知他们的罪孽并纵情狂欢,如同过节日一般。那里没有黑与白,没有Claudio,Ophelia,Iago 和 Desdemona。在这剧本里,一切都是黑暗的,而且所有人都表现出恶魔 Mephistopheles 的性格。里面的所有祈祷都是邪恶的,注定要被毁灭。

"Oulanem" is probably the only drama in the world in which all the players are so sure of their sinfulness and revel in it as on a holiday. There is neither white nor black, neither Claudio and Ophelia, Iago and Desdemona. Everything is black in it, and every one appeared to have Mephistopheles' character. All of it's players are demonic and doomed to perish.

马克思写作《Oulanem》时,这位年轻的才子仅 18 岁。此时,他为自己一生定下的计划已非常清晰。他没有幻想要为人类、无产阶级、或社会主义服务。他想毁灭这个世界,以世界的震荡、剧痛、动乱为基础,建起他的王座。

When Marx was writing "Oulanem," the young genius was 18. His plan for his life was very clear by that time. He had no illusions about serving mankind, the proletariat or socialism. He wanted to destroy the world, set up a throne for himself that would be based upon the world's shocks, throes and convulsions.

在此阶段,马克思的观点继续发展。一些灵异之事在他与其父的通信之中出现。例如,马克思写道:“外壳脱落了,我的众圣之圣已被掏空,那个地方需要一位新的灵。”--- 写于1837 年11月10日,在此之前,这位年轻人已被承认为基督徒。他曾公开宣称基督住在他的心中,没想到突然之间,这就被完全颠覆了。是什么新的灵取代了基督的位置呢?

At this stage, Marx's views were developing. Some mysterious things appear in his correspondence with his father. For instance, the son writes: "The cover has fallen, my Holy of Holies was emptied and there was a need to put new gods there." This was written on November 10, 1837 by the young fellow who previously professed to be a Christian. He used to profess that Christ inhabited in his heart. Suddenly this turned upside-down. What new gods replaced Christ's place?


Marx's father replied (February 10, 1838): "I didn't demand any explanations about such a mysterious thing, though it seems to be very controversial." What was that mysterious thing? No biographer has been able to explain these puzzling words.


What suddenly caused young Marx's father to express anxiety for controversial influences on his young son?



In a poem, Karl Marx wrote:

I have lost heaven, And know that for sure. My soul, once faithful to God, Now is destined for hell.


We need not comment.


Marx began with proud ambitions in art. His verse and drama were important for the discovery of his inner world, but because of the absence of poetic talent, they remained useless. Failures in painting and architecture gave us Hitler; in drama - Goebels; in philosophy - Rosenberg.

马克思是所有神明的死对头 --- 一个以自己灵魂为代价,从黑暗王子那里买了一把剑的人。

Marx was the implacable enemy of all gods, a man who bought a sword from the prince of darkness for the price of his own soul.


Did Marx really buy a sword from the Satan?

马克思的女儿 Eleonora 写了一本书,名叫《摩尔人与将军 - 马克思与恩格斯回忆录》。她说,在她小时候,卡尔给她和她的姐妹们讲了许多故事。她特别喜欢的故事与一个叫Hans Rekle的人有关。这个故事被连续讲了几个月,且似乎永不完结。Hans Rekle 是一名巫师,他有一间玩偶商店,并有巨额负债。他是巫师,但他却经常缺钱。因此,无论他是否情愿,他必须将那些可爱的玩偶一个接一个地卖给魔鬼。Eleonora 写道,这些冒险中的一些事颇为恐怖,简直令她汗毛倒竖。

His daughter, Eleonora, wrote book entitled: "The Moor and the general - memoirs of Marx and Engels." She says that Karl told many stories to her and his other daughter when they were children. Her favorite story was about some one named Hans Rekle. This story was continued for months and seemed to never end. Hans Rekle was a wizard who had a toy shop and a lot of debts. Though he was wizard, he constantly was in need of money. Therefore, in spite of his desire, he had to sell all his cute toys one by one to the devil. Eleonora wrote that some of these adventures were so awful that her hair stood on end.

Robert Payne 在其《马克思》一书中,通过引用 Eleonora 的话道出了详情:可怜的 Rekle 巫师极不情愿卖掉他的玩偶,他总是把玩偶保留到最后一刻;然而,由于他与魔鬼有一个协定,他无法逃避。

Robert Payne, in his book "Marx," also tells in detail, from Eleonora's words, how the poor wizard Rekle unwillingly was selling his toys keeping them until the very last moment. But because he had an agreement with devil, he was unable to escape.


The biographer comments: "Scarely can we doubt that those never ending stories were autobiographic. Sometimes it seemed as though he was realizing that he was performing the devil's duty." Marx didn't conceive of socialism when was finishing "Oulanem" and other early works in which he admits he made a pact with Satan.

那时马克思遇见了Moses Gess --- 一个在马克思生命中扮演了最重要角色,并引导其接受了社会主义理念的人。

At that time Marx met Moses Gess, the man who played most significant role in his life and led Marx to accept socialistic ideals.

在给B. Auerbasch 的一封信(1841)中,Gess 称马克思是“最伟大的,更可能是唯一的,当代哲学家...... 马克思博士非常年轻(最多24岁),他将给予宗教和哲学终极打击。”可见,其首要目标是打击宗教,而不是实现社会主义。

In a letter to B. Auerbasch (1841), Gess characterized Marx as "the greatest, possibly the only, philosopher of today ... Dr. Marx is very young (24 years old at the most); he'll strike the final blow on religion and philosophy." So the first target was to strike a blow to religion not socialism.

马克思追求着一种帮助人类的理想,并认为宗教是实现此理想的障碍,所以他采取了反宗教的立场 ----- 这只是一个虚构的故事。实际上,马克思憎恨所有神明,而且不堪听闻上帝。社会主义只是引诱无产阶级和知识分子去实现撒殚理想的圈套而已。

It is a myth that Marx had been pursuing the ideal of helping mankind, that religion was the obstacle on the way to the realization of those ideals, and that this was the reason why he took an anti-religious position. On the contrary, Marx hated all gods and couldn't hear about God. Socialism was only a decoy to attract the proletariat and intelligensia to the realization of a satanic ideal.

马克思很少公开谈论形而上之事,但我们可以从他交往的人那里,收集关于他观点的信息。他在“第一国际”的一名同事,俄国无政府主义者 Mikhail Bakunin,曾写道:“魔鬼就是第一个自由思想家和救世主,魔鬼解放了阿丹,并用人性之印封住了阿丹的脸,从而使他反叛上帝。”

Marx publicly spoke about metaphysics very little, but we can gather information about his views from those with whom he communicated. One of his co-members in the First International was Mikhail Bakunin - a Russian anarchist who wrote that the devil was the first free thinker and the world savior; that the devil liberated Adam and sealed his face with the seal of humanism making him disobedient.

Bakunin 不仅赞颂路斯弗,他还有具体的革命计划,不过,这计划并不能解救被压迫的穷人。他写道:“在这革命中,我们必须把人们心中的魔鬼唤醒,以激起他们最卑鄙的激情。

Bakunin not only glorified Lucifer, but had a concrete program of revolution - but not the kind that is able to free the poor from oppression. He wrote: "In this revolution, we'll have to wake up the devil in people in order to stir up their lowest passions."


Here it is very important to give special signicficance to the fact that Marx and his friends, being against God, were not atheists as modern Marxists call themselves. Although they denied God publicly, they hated the One Whose existence they never doubted.

所有活跃的撒殚教徒都有混乱的个人生活,马克思也不例外。Arnold Kunzli 在《马克思心志》一书中写道,马克思因为他导致两个女儿和一个义子自杀而感到内疚;而马克思的女儿Laura 则埋葬了她的三个亲生骨肉,然后与她丈夫一起自杀。

All active Satanists have a disorderly personal life, Marx was no exception. Arnold Kunzli, in his book, "Marx - Psychography," wrote that Marx was guilty of causing the suicide of two of his daughters and one son-in-law. His daughter Laura also buried three of her own children and then committed suicide together with her husband.


Marx had lost a lot of money on the exchange. Being a brilliant economist, he nevertheless could only loose money.


Since everything in a satanic cult is covered by secrecy, we only have a suspicion that Marx had ties to the cult. His slovenly life could be one more in the chain of evidence.


Marx was a highly intelligent person, as was Engels, however their correspondence full of indecencies which are unusual for men of their social position. A lot of obscene words, but never do we read of these idealists communicating their humanistic or socialistic dreams.

马克思的行为充满了魔的特征。他的朋友Weitling 写道:“与马克思谈话时,话题通常是无神论、断头台、黑格尔、绳索、刀。”身为犹太教徒,他却写了一本反教义的书,名叫《对犹太教的质疑》。他不仅憎恨犹太人,也憎恨德国人。他声言:“只有棍棒才能唤起德国人。”他惯于谈论“哑的德国”,并称“德国人、中国人、犹太人都像街头小贩。”最后,他又说:“德国全国性的狭隘思维真令人厌恶。”(A. Kunzli《马克思心志》)他认为俄国人是最低等的民族 -- “一个野蛮种族”,又将斯拉夫人称作“种族垃圾”。

Everything in Marx' behavior had a demonic character. His friend Weitling wrote: "Usual topics for conversation with Marx are atheism, the guillotine, Hegel, rope and knife." Being a Jew himself, he wrote an anti-semetic book called, "The Jewish Question." He hated not only Jews. He hated Germans and asserted that "only a stick can raise a German." He use to talk about "the dumb German nation" and the fact that "German, Chinese and Jewish people can be compared to the street vendors." Finally, he makes mentions of "the disgusting national narrow-mindedness of Germans" (A. Kunzli "Marx - Psychography.") He counted Russians as a people of the lowest sort, "a barbarian race," and called Slavics - "ethnic garbage."

So we have paid some attention to several inclinations that allow us to believe that Marx may well ahve been a Satanist.

这里又有一个有趣的事实:一名马克思的信徒,Reese 军官,为马克思的死而哀伤,因此去了伦敦拜访他挚爱导师的故居。马克思的家人已经搬走,因此他只能跟屋里的仆人交谈。这仆人所说的关于马克思的话,令他大为惊异:“他是一位对神有着敬畏的人。在他病重时,他惯于在房间里,在一些燃烧的蜡烛前独自祈祷;围绕他头部的伤痕就像带子一样。”这使我们想起了犹太教徒早晨的祈祷仪式,不过,马克思是在基督教会受洗的,他从未声明自己信仰犹太教,而且他后来成了神的敌人。他写了多本反对宗教信仰的书,并把他的所有孩子培养成无神论者。那么,这位未受过教育的仆人理解成祈祷的仪式,到底是什么呢?犹太教徒面对圣物祈祷时,并不需要在面前放置一排蜡烛。那会不会是撒殚教的一种仪式呢?

Here is one more interesting fact. Captain Reese, a disciple of Marx, grieved by the news of his death, went to London to visit the house where his beloved teacher once lived. The Marx family had already left the home and he was only able to talk to the servant who lived in the same house. He heard the following amazing words about Marx from her: "He was a man with the fear of God. When he was very ill, he used to pray alone in his room before burning candles, wound round his head was something like tape." This reminds philacteries used by the Jews during their morning prayers. But Marx was baptized in a Christian church. He never confessed Judaism and later became an enemy of God. He had been writing books against religion and had brought up all his children to be atheists. So what was that ceremony which the uneducated servant understood to be a prayer? Praying Jews with phylacteries on their face never place a row of candles before them. Could it have been some sort of a satanic ritual?

另一线索在马克思的儿子 Edgar 于1854年3月21日写给马克思的信中。此信开头就是惊人的一句“我亲爱的魔鬼”。一个儿子怎能用如此荒谬的方式称呼自己父亲?不过,撒殚教徒对他们所爱的人都是这样称呼的。难道连他儿子也入教了?

Another possible hint is in a letter to Marx from his son Edgar, dated March 21, 1854. It begins with these astonishing words, "My Dear Devil." Where else does a son greet his father in such a ridiculous way? But Satanists write so to the ones they love. Was his son involved too?


One more significant fact, Marx wife wrote to him in August of 1844: "Your last pastoral letter, Higher Priest and soul Possessor, brought peace and calmness to your poor flock."


Marx clearly expressed his dream concerning the elimination of all religions in "Communist Manifesto." We should assume satanic cults were included here too. But his wife addresses him as a Higher Priest. But of what religion? The only faith confessed in Europe where a Higher Priest is present is Satanism. So what kind of pastoral letters could a man write who was known as an atheist? Where are those letters? These are periods of Marx's life that remain unexplored.


Marx died in desperation, as all Satanists die. He wrote to Engels on March 25, 1883, "How purposeless and empty life is, but how desired!"



http://www.modernhistoryproject. ... ticle=FinalWarn07-2

卡尔·马克思生于一个富裕家庭(他父亲是律师),他的许多个人经历从未被公开。马克思学院的副主任 M. Mtchedlov 教授说,马克思的作品集有 100 卷之多,但只有 13 卷被公开印发。在马克思 6 岁时,他全家信仰了基督教。虽然马克思曾经信仰神,但在他进入Bonn和柏林大学之后,他写道,他要向上帝复仇。他加入了由 Joana Southcott 主持的撒殚教会。据说 Joana Southcott 是与恶魔 Shiloh 有联系的人。马克思早期作品中的 “Oulanem” 这个名字,是撒殚在一个祭仪中的称号。

Heinrich Karl Marx (Moses Mordecai Marx Levy, 1818-83) was born of wealthy parents (his father was a lawyer), and much of his personal life has never been revealed. Professor M. Mtchedlov, Vice-Director of the Marx Institute, said that there were 100 volumes in his collection, but only thirteen have ever been reprinted for the public. When he was six, his family converted to Christianity, and although he was once a believer in God, after attending the Universities of Bonn and Berlin, Marx wrote that he wanted to avenge himself "against the One who rules above." He joined the Satanist Church run by Joana Southcott, who was said to be in contact with the demon Shiloh. His early writings mentioned the name "Oulanem," which was a ritualistic name for Satan. A friend of Marx wrote in 1841, that "Marx calls the Christian religion one of the most immoral of religions." His published attacks against the German government caused him to be ejected from the country.


从一开始,所谓的“工人阶级运动”就是名不符实的。当恩格斯于1847年被选为共产主义者同盟的委员时,恩格斯自己说:“推荐一个工人只是为了做表面功夫,而推荐他的人则投了票给我。”这可能是共产主义运动的第一个假选举,但肯定不是最后一个...... 共产教徒们一直想以自己的理念来打造人民和社会。

The phoniness of the claim to be a movement of the working class was blatant from the beginning. When Engels was elected as a delegate to the Communist League in 1847, in his own words, 'a working man was proposed for appearances sake, but those who proposed him voted for me.' It may have been the first rigged 'election' of the Communist movement but it was certainly not the last.... The anointed have always wanted to create their own kind of people, as well as their own kind of society."[13]








 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-29 00:39:16 | 显示全部楼层

英文摘自《Marx and Satan》:





Marx started out as a Christian believer. When he finished high school, the following was written on his graduation certificate under the heading "Religious Knowledge":

His knowledge of the Christian faith and morals is fairly clear and well grounded. He knows also to some extent the history of the Christian church.

然而,马克思在同一时期所写的一篇论文中,六次重复了“毁灭”一词 --- 他的同学没任何一人在考试中使用此词。于是,“毁灭”成了马克思的绰号。对于马克思来说,想要毁灭是相当自然的,因为他说人类是“人类垃圾”,又说,“没有人来拜访我,我喜欢这样,因为现在的人类是[粗言秽语],他们是一群混蛋。”

However, in a thesis written at the same time he repeated six times the word "destroy," which not even one of his colleagues used in the exam. "Destroy" then became his nickname. It was natural for him to want to destroy because he spoke about mankind as "human trash" and said, "No man visits me and I like this, because present mankind may [an obscenity]. They are a bunch of rascals."


Shortly after Marx received this certificate, something mysterious happened in his life: he became profoundly and passionately antireligious. A new Marx began to emerge.


He writes in a poem, "I wish to avenge myself against the One who rules above."  So he was convinced that there is One above who rules, but was quarrelling with Him. Yet, the One above had done him no wrong. Marx belonged to a relatively well-to-do family. He had not faced hunger in his childhood. He was much better off than many fellow students. What produced such a terrible hatred for God? No personal motive is known. Was Karl Marx in this declaration only someone else's mouthpiece? We don't know





"At an age when most young men have beautiful dreams of doing good to others and preparing a career for themselves, the young Marx wrote the following lines in his poem "Invocation of One in Despair":

So a god has snatched from me my all,
In the curse and rack of destiny.
All his worlds are gone beyond recall.
Nothing but revenge is left to me.

I shall build my throne high overhead,
Cold, tremendous shall its summit be.
For its bulwark - superstitious dread.
For its marshal - blackest agony.

Who looks on it with a healthy eye,
Shall turn back, deathly pale and dumb,
Clutched by blind and chill mortality,
May his happiness prepare its tomb"

* 《绝望者的魔咒》全诗英文版:
http://www.marxists.org/archive/ ... e/verse/verse11.htm



Marx dreamt about ruining the world created by God. He said in another poem:

"Then I will be able to walk triumphantly,
Like a god, through the rains of their kingdom.
Every word of mine is fire and action.
My breast is equal to that of the Creator."

“我将在上苍建起我的王座”一句,和“坐于王座上者将散布极端的痛苦与恐惧”这个自白,使我们想起路斯弗的骄傲之言:“我要升到天上,在神的众星之上,我将设立我的王座。”(圣经·旧约·以赛亚书 14:13)

The words "I shall build my throne high overhead" and the confession that from the one sitting on this throne will emanate only dread and agony remind us of Lucifer's proud boast, "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God" (Isaiah 14:13).

而马克思在某个时期最亲密的朋友 Bakunin 写道:


Perhaps it was no coincidence that Bakunin, who was for a time one of Marx's most intimate friends, wrote,

"One has to worship Marx in order to be loved by him. One has at least to fear him in order to be tolerated by him. Marx is extremely proud, up to dirt and madness."


Why did Marx wish such a throne?



The answer is found in a little-known drama which he also composed during his student years. It is called Oulanem. To explain this title, a digression is needed.

One of the rituals of the Satanist church is the back mass, which Satanist priests recite at midnight. Black candles are put in the candlesticks upside down. The priest is dressed in his ornate robes, but with the lining outside. He says all things prescribed in the prayer book, but reads from the end toward the beginning. The holy names of God, Jesus, and Mary are read inversely. A crucifix is fastened upside down or tram-pled upon. A consecrated wafer stolen from a church is in-scribed with the name Satan and is used for a mock communion. During the black mass a Bible is burned. All those present promise to commit the seven deadly sins, as enumerated in Catholic catechisms, and never to do any good. An orgy follows.


Characteristically, "Oulanem" is an inversion of a holy name. It is an anagram of Emmanuel, a Biblical name of Jesus which means in Hebrew "God with us." Such inversions of names are considered effective in black magic.



We will be able to understand the drama Oulanem only in the light of a strange confession that Marx made in a poem called "The Player," later downplayed by both himself and his followers:

"The hellish vapours rise and fill the brain,
Till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed.
See this sword?
The prince of darkness
Sold it to me.
For me he beats the time and gives the signs.
Ever more boldly I play the dance of death."

*《演奏者》(The Fiddler / Nidler)另一英译版:
http://www.marxists.org/archive/ ... 837-wil.htm#fiddler


“How so! I plunge, plunge without fail
My blood-black sabre into your soul.
That art God neither wants nor wists,
It leaps to the brain from Hell’s black mists.

“Till heart’s bewitched, till senses reel:
With Satan I have struck my deal.
He chalks the signs, beats time for me,
I play the death march fast and free.



These lines take on special significance when we learn that in the rites of higher initiation in the Satanist cult an "enchanted" sword which ensures success is sold to the candidate. He pays for it by signing a covenant, with blood taken from his wrists, agreeing that his soul will belong to Satan after death.


“他们也是 Oulanem,Oulanem,

握住并抓碎你 --- 人类。
并在你耳边低语:“下来陪我吧,朋友!” ”

Now I quote from the drama Oulanem itself:

"And they are also Oulanem, Oulanem.
The name rings forth like death, rings forth
Until it dies away in a wretched crawl.
Stop, I've got it now! It rises from my soul
As clear as air, as strong as my bones.

Yet I have power within my youthful arms
To clench and crush you (i.e., personified humanity]
with tempestuous force,
While for us both the abyss yawns in darkness.
You will sink down and I shall follow laughing,
Whispering in your ears, "Descend,
come with me, friend."

在《Oulanem》剧本里,Oulanem 死时,马克思写道:


When, in the drama, the time comes for Oulanem's death, his words are:

"Ruined, ruined. My time has clean run out.
The clock has stopped, the pygmy house has crumbled.
Soon I shall embrace eternity to my breast, and soon
I shall howl gigantic curses on mankind."


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-29 14:13:20 | 显示全部楼层

马克思很喜爱《浮士德》里恶魔 Mephistopheles 所说的话:“一切存在都应该被毁灭。”一切,包括无产阶级和他的同志们。马克思在《The 18th Brumaire》中引用此语,而斯大林则照此执行,以至连他自己的家庭都毁掉了。

Marx had loved the words of Mephistopheles in Faust: "Everything in existence is worth being destroyed." Everything, including the proletariat and the comrades. Marx quotes these words in The 18th Brumaire. Stalin acted on them and destroyed even his own family.

撒殚教并不是唯物主义的,它相信永恒的生命。Oulanem,这个通过马克思来发言的“他”,并不否认这一点。“他”断言,“永恒的生命” 中充满了最高的仇恨。

The Satanist sect is not materialistic. It believes in eternal life. Oulanem, the person through whom Marx speaks, does not question this. He asserts eternal life, but as a life of hate magnified to its extreme.

对于众魔而言,“永恒”就意味着受苦。因此,众魔指责耶稣:“时候还没到,你就来让我们受苦吗?”( 圣经·新约·马太福音 8:29)

It is worth noting that eternity for devils means torment. Note Jesus' reproach by demons: "Art thou come hither to torment us before the time?" (Matthew 8:29).



Marx is similarly obsessed:

"Ha! Eternity! She is our eternal grief,
An indescribable and immeasurable Death,
Vile artificiality conceived to scorn us,
Ourselves being clockwork, blindly mechanical,
Made to be the fool-calendars of Time and Space,
Having no purpose save to happen, to be ruined,
So that there shall be something to ruin."


We begin now to understand what has happened to young Marx. He had had Christian convictions, but had not led a consistent life. His correspondence with his father testifies to his squandering great sums of money on pleasures and his constant quarrelling with parental authority about this and other matters. Then he seems to have fallen in with the tenets of the highly secret Satanist church and received the rites of initiation.



毁灭、不复存在 -- 那才是真正的活着。”

Listen to the end of Oulanem:

"If there is a Something which devours,
I'll leap within it, though I bring the world to ruins- –
The world which bulks between me and the abyss
I will smash to pieces with my enduring curses.

I'll throw my arms around its harsh reality,
Embracing me, the world will dumbly pass away,
And then sink down to utter nothingness,
Perished, with no existence - that would be really living."


As far as I know, Marx is the only renowned author who has ever called his own writings "shit," "swinish books." He consciously, deliberately gives his readers filth. No wonder, then, that some of his disciples, Communists in Romania and Mozambique, forced prisoners to eat their own excrement and drink their own urine.


In Oulanem Marx does what the Devil does: he consigns the entire human race to damnation.


When he wrote the works quoted in the last chapter, Marx, a premature genius, was only eighteen. His life's program had thus already been established. He had no vision of serving mankind, the proletariat, or socialism. He merely wished to bring the world to ruin, to build for himself a throne whose bulwark would be human fear.



At that point, correspondence between Karl Marx and his father included some especially cryptic passages. The son writes,

"A curtain had fallen. My holy of holies was rent asunder and new gods had to be installed."


These words were written on November 10, 1837 by a young man who had professed Christianity until then. He had earlier declared that Christ was in his heart. Now this is no longer so. Who are the new gods installed in Christ’s place?



The father replies,

"I refrained from insisting on an explanation about a very mysterious matter although it seemed highly dubious."


What was this mysterious matter? No biographer of Marx has explained these strange sentences.



On March 2, 1837, Marx's father writes to his son:

Your advancement, the dear hope of seeing your name some-day of great repute, and your earthly well-being are not the only desires of my heart. These are illusions I had had a long time, but I can assure you that their fulfillment would not have made me happy. Only if your heart remains pure and beats humanly and if no demon is able to alienate your heart from better feelings, only then will I be happy.

对于这位早已被承认为基督徒的年轻人,他父亲为何突然表现出担忧,怕他受到魔的影响呢?他父亲收到的诗,就是马克思给父亲 55 岁生日的贺礼吗?

What made a father suddenly express the fear of demonic influence upon a young son who until then had been a confessed Christian? Was it the poems he received as a present from his son for his fifty-fifth birthday?



The following quotation is taken from Marx's poem "On Hegel":

Words I teach all mixed up into a devilish muddle.
Thus, anyone may think just what he chooses to think.


http://www.marxists.org/archive/ ... e/verse/verse15.htm



Here also are words from another epigram on Hegel:

"Because I discovered the highest,
And because I found the deepest through meditation,
I am great like a God;
I clothe myself in darkness like Him."

* 以上诗句,www.marxists.org 给出的英译是:

Since I have found the Highest of things and the Depths of them also,
Rude am I as a God, cloaked by the dark like a God.
Long have I searched and sailed on Thought's deep billowing ocean ;
There I found me the Word: now I hold on to it fast.



In his poem "The Pale Maiden," he writes:

"Thus heaven I've forfeited,
I know it full well.
My soul, once true to God,
Is chosen for hell."

马克思完成《Oulanem》和其它早期诗作时(在诗中马克思自己承认与魔鬼签了契约),他不仅没有社会主义理念,甚至还激烈反对之。那时他是一本德语杂志《Rheinische Zeitung》的主编,这本杂志“绝不容忍哪怕是纯理论的当前形式的共产主义,何况让它实践?这无论如何都是不可能的......”

When Marx had finished Oulanem and other early poems in which he wrote about having a pact with the Devil, he had no thought of socialism. He even fought against it. He was editor of a German magazine, the Rheinische Zeitung, which "does not concede even theoretical validity to Communist ideas in their present form, let alone desire their practical realization, which it anyway finds impossible...."

但在此之后,马克思遇见了 Moses Hess,此人在马克思一生中扮演了最重要的角色,正是他把马克思导向了社会主义理念。

After reaching this stage in his thinking, Marx met Moses Hess, the man who played the most important role in his life, the man who led him to embrace the Socialist ideal.


马克思那时的另一个朋友 Georg Jung 于1841年更清楚地写道,马克思必将把神赶出天堂,而且还要控诉祂。

Georg Jung, another friend of Marx at that time, writes even more clearly in 1841 that Marx will surely chase God from His heaven and will even sue Him.



Eventually Marx claims not to even admit the existence of a Creator.



When no Creator is acknowledged, there is no one to give us commandments, or to whom we are accountable. Marx confirms this by stating, "Communists preach absolutely no morals."

在马克思的年代,男人通常会留胡子,但式样与马克思不同,而且不会留长发。马克思的外形风格是 Joanna Southcott 的信徒的特征。Joanna Southcott 是一个灵异宗派的女祭师,她自称与魔鬼 Shiloh 有联系。

Shifting gears somewhat, men usually wore beards in Marx's time, but not beards like his, and they did not have long hair. Marx's manner and appearance was characteristic of the disciples of Joanna Southcott, a cultist priestess of an occult sect who claimed to be in contact with the ghost Shiloh.


一名战士,James White,加入了 Southcott 的信徒们在 Chatham 城的组织。James White 曾在印度服务一段时间,然后回来并取得本地的领导权。他发展了 Joanna 的教义,使之带有共产主义的味道。

It is strange that some sixty years after her death in 1814,

the Chatham group of Southcottians were joined by a soldier, James White, who, after his period of service in India, returned and took the lead locally, developing further the doctrines of Joanna ... with a communistic tinge.

马克思较少公开谈论形而上之事,但我们可以从他交往的人那里,收集关于他观点的信息。他在“第一国际”的一名同事,俄国无政府主义者 Mikhail Bakunin,曾写道:


Marx did not often speak publicly about metaphysics, but we can gather his views from the men with whom he associated. One of his partners in the First International was Mikhail Bakunin, a Russian anarchist, who wrote:

"The Evil One is the satanic revolt against divine authority, revolt in which we see the fecund germ of all human emanci-pations, the revolution. Socialists recognise each other by the words "In the name of the one to whom a great wrong has been done." Satan [is] the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds. He makes man ashamed of his bes-tial ignorance and obedience; he emancipates him, stamps upon his brow the seal of liberty and humanity, in urging him to disobey and eat of the fruit of knowledge."

Bakunin 不仅赞颂路斯弗,他还有具体的革命计划,不过,这计划并不会解救被剥削的穷人。他写道:


Bakunin does more than praise Lucifer. He has a concrete program of revolution, but not one that would free the poor from exploitation. He writes:

"In this revolution we will have to awaken the Devil in the people, to stir up the basest passions. Our mission is to destroy, not to edify. The passion of destruction is a creative passion."

马克思和 Bakunin 一起建立了“第一国际”以支持这一计划。马克思和恩格斯在《共产主义宣言》中说,无产阶级认为法律、道德、宗教信仰都是“资产阶级的偏见,这些偏见潜伏于背后,就像众多资产阶级趣味一样。”

Marx, along with Bakunin, formed the First International and endorsed this strange program. Marx and Engels said in The Communist Manifesto that the proletarian sees law, morality, and religion as "so many bourgeois prejudices, behind which lurk in ambush just as many bourgeois interests."

Bakunin 又揭示,Proudhon,另一名主要的社会主义思想家,同时也是马克思的朋友,同样崇拜撒殚。Hess 把马克思介绍给了 Proudhon。Proudhon 的发型和胡子样式与马克思相似 -- 这是19世纪的 Joanna Southcott 撒殚教会成员的典型特征。Proudhon 同样写了一些亵渎神明和召唤撒殚的作品。

Bakunin reveals that Proudhon, another major Socialist thinker and at that time a friend of Karl Marx, also "worshiped Satan." Hess had introduced Marx to Proudhon, who wore the same hair style typical of the nineteenth-century Satanist sect of Joanna Southcott.


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-29 14:14:33 | 显示全部楼层

德国著名诗人 Heinrich Heine 是马克思的又一位亲密朋友。此人也是一名撒殚崇拜者。他写道:


Heinrich Heine, the renowned German poet, was a third intimate friend of Marx. He too was a Satan fancier. He wrote:

"I called the devil and he came,
His face with wonder I must scan;
He is not ugly, he is not lame.
He is a delightful, charming man."

“马克思对 Heinrich Heine 大为崇拜......他们的关系温暖而真诚。”

"Marx was a great admirer of Heinrich Heine... . Their relationship was warm, hearty."

马克思为何崇拜 Heine?也许因为他的如下撒殚教思想吧:



"Why did he admire Heine? Perhaps for Satanist thoughts like the following:

"I have a desire ... for a few beautiful trees before my door, and if dear God wishes to make me totally happy, he will give me the joy of seeing six or seven of my enemies hanged on these trees. With a compassionate heart I will forgive them after death all the wrong they have done to me during their life. Yes, we must forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged.

I am not revengeful. I would like to love my enemies. But I cannot love them before taking revenge upon them. Only then my heart opens for them. As long as one has not avenged himself, bitterness remains in the heart."


Would any decent man be an intimate friend of one who thinks like this?


But Marx and his entourage thought alike. Lunatcharski, a leading philosopher who was once minister of education of the U.S.S.R., wrote in Socialism aid Religion that Marx set aside all contact with God and instead put Satan in front of marching proletarian columns.


It is essential at this point to state emphatically that Marx and his comrades, while anti-God, were not atheists, as present-day Marxists claim to be. That is, while they openly denounced and reviled God, they hated a God in whom they believed. They challenged not His existence, but His supremacy.



In his poem "Human Pride," Marx admits that his aim is not to improve the world or to reform or revolutionize it, but simply to ruin it and to enjoy its being ruined:

With disdain I will throw my gauntlet
Full in the face of the world,
And see the collapse of this pygmy giant
Whose fall will not stifle my ardour.
Then will I wander godlike and victorious
Through the ruins of the world
And, giving my words an active force,
I will feel equal to the Creator.


Were these poems the only expressly Satanist writings of Karl Marx? We do not know, because the bulk of his works is kept secret by those who guard his manuscripts.

在《革命者》一书中,Albert Camus 说,马克思和恩格斯有30卷作品从未出版过,其中表达的放肆理念,并不像众所周知的马克思主义。读了这些,我让我的秘书给莫斯科的马克思学院写信,以了解那位法国作家的话是不是真的。

In The Revolted Man, Albert Camus stated that thirty volumes of Marx and Engels have never been published and expressed the presumption that they are not much like what is generally known as Marxism. On reading this, I had one of my secretaries write to the Marx Institute in Moscow, asking if this assertion of the French writer is true.

我收到了回信。信中,马克思学院的副主任,M. Mtchedlov 教授说,Camus 搞错了。马克思的作品共有100卷之多,其中只有13 卷被公开印发。他为此找了一个荒谬的籍口:第二次世界大战阻止了其余各卷的出版发行。此信写于1980年,即大战结束25年之后,那时苏联的国家酒吧和渔房无疑都有很充足的资金。

I received a reply.

The vice director, one Professor M. Mtchedlov, after saying Camus lied, nevertheless confirmed his allegations. Mtchedlov wrote that of a total of one hundred volumes, only thirteen have appeared. He offered a ridiculous excuse for this: World War II forestalled the printing of the other volumes. The letter was written in 1980, thirty-five years after the end of the war. And the State Pub fishing House of the Soviet Union surely has sufficient funds.


All active Satanists have ravaged personal lives, and this was the case with Marx as well.

Arnold Kunzli 在《卡尔·马克思心志》一书中写道:马克思的两个女儿和一个义子自杀了,另外三个孩子死于营养不良。马克思的女儿 Laura 嫁给了一名社会主义者 Lafargue,她埋葬了自己的三个孩子,然后与丈夫一起自杀。另一个女儿 Eleanor 决定和她丈夫做同样的事,她死了,而他丈夫却在最后一刻退缩了。

Arnold Kunzli, in his book Karl Marx - A Psychogram, writes about Marx's life, including the suicide of two daughters and a son-in-law Three children died of malnutrition. His daughter Laura, married to the Socialist Lafargue, also buried three of her children; then she and her husband committed suicide together. Another daughter Eleanor, decided with her husband to do likewise. She died; he backed out at the last minute.

马克思从不觉得自己有义务养家,虽然以他对多种语言的掌握,他很容易做到这一点。相反,他靠向恩格斯乞讨而活。马克思和他的女佣 Helen Demuth 有一个私生子,后来他把这孩子栽赃给恩格斯,恩格斯则接受了这一喜剧安排。马克思酗酒严重 --- 莫斯科的 马克思-恩格斯学院 的 Riazanov 主任在《卡尔·马克思,Mai,思想家和革命家》一书中承认了这一事实。

Marx felt no obligation to earn a living for his family, though he could easily have done so through his tremendous knowledge of languages. Instead, he lived by begging from Engels. He had an illegitimate child by his maidservant, Helen Demuth. Later he attributed the child to Engels, who accepted this comedy. Marx drank heavily. Riazanov, director of the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow, admits this fact in his book Karl Marx, Mai, Thinker aid Revolutionist.

Eleanor 是马克思最喜爱的女儿。他叫她 “Tussy” 并常说 “Tussy 就是我。” 当恩格斯临终时告诉她私生子的丑闻时,她崩溃了。正是此事导致了她的自杀。

Eleanor was Marx’s favorite daughter. He called her Tussy and frequently said, "Tussy is me." She was shattered when she heard about the scandal of illegitimacy from Engels on his deathbed. It was this that led to her suicide.


It should be noted that Marx, in The Communist Manifesto, had railed against capitalists "having the wives and daughters of their proletarians at their disposal." Such hypocrisy was not out of character for Karl Marx.

马克思,这位伟大的革命家,生命中还有更严重的污点。1960年1月9日,德国报纸《Reichsruf》报道了这一事实:奥地利总理 Raabe,曾将一封卡尔·马克思的亲笔书信送给苏俄领导人尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫。赫鲁晓夫不喜欢这封信,因为它证实,马克思曾是奥地利警方的一名领赏告密者,他在革命者队伍里当间谍。

There was an even darker spot in the life of Marx, the great revolutionary. The German newspaper Reichsruf  (January 9, 1960) published the fact that the Austrian chancellor Raabe donated to Nikita Khrushchev, then director of Soviet Russia, an original letter of Karl Marx. Khrushchev did not enjoy it, because it was proof that Marx had been a paid informer of the Austrian police, spying on revolutionaries.


The letter had been found accidentally in a secret archive. It indicated that Marx, as an informer, reported on his comrades during his exile in London. He received $25 for each bit of information he turned up. His notes were about the revolutionary exiles in Lon-don, Paris, and Switzerland.

其中一个被告密的人叫 Ruge,他自认为是马克思的亲密朋友。两人之间充满热忱的通信至今尚存。

One of those against whom he informed was Ruge, who considered himself an intimate friend of Marx. Cordial letters between the two still exist.

Rolv Heuer 在《天才和富翁》一书中描述了马克思的挥霍生活:


Rolv Heuer describes Marx's ravaged financial life in Genius and Riches:

"While he was a student in Berlin, the son of papa Marx received 700 thalers a year pocket-money."


This was an enormous sum because at that time only 5 percent of the population had an annual income greater than 300 thalers. During his lifetime, Marx received from Engels some six million French francs, according to the Marx Institute.


Yet he always lusted after inheritances. While an uncle of his was in agony, Marx wrote, "If the dog dies, I would be out of mischief." To which Engels answers, "I congratulate you for the sickness of the hinderer of an inheritance, and I hope that the catastrophe will happen now"


“这是一件幸福的事。昨天我们被告知,我妻子那九十岁的伯父死了。我妻子将接收大约一百 Lst;若不是那条老狗把财产的大头给了他屋子的女主人,我妻子还能得到更多。”

"The dog" died, and Marx wrote on March 8, 1855,

"A very happy event. Yesterday we were told about the death of the ninety-year-old uncle of my wife. My wife will receive some one hundred Lst; even more if the old dog has not left a pate of his money to the lady who administered his house."


“两小时前我收到一封电报,说我母亲死了。命运需要从家里带走一名成员。我已经一脚踏进坟墓,在很多情况下,我需要的不是一个老妇人,而是其它。我必须动身去 Trier 接收遗产。”

He did not have any kinder feelings for those who were much nearer to him than his uncle. He was not even on speaking terms with his mother. In December 1863 he wrote to Engels,

"Two hours ago a telegram arrived co say that my mother is dead. Fate needed to take one member of the family. I already had one foot in the grave. Under the circumstances I am needed more than the old woman. I have to go to Trier about their inheritance."


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-29 14:15:31 | 显示全部楼层


This was all he had to say at his mother's passing. In addition, the relationship between Marx and his wife was demonstrably poor. She abandoned him twice but returned each time. When she died, he did not even attend her funeral.


Always in need of funds, Marx lost much money at the stock exchange, where he, the great economist, knew only how to lose.


Marx was an intellectual of high caliber, as was Engels. But their correspondence is full of obscenities, unusual for their class of society. Foul language abounds, and there is not one letter in which one hears an idealist speaking about his humanist or Socialist dream.



“谁在追求野蛮的目标?一个来自 Trier(马克思的出生地)的黑暗之人,一个显著的怪物。他不行,亦不走;他用脚后跟,伴着肆虐的狂怒跳起,似乎想抓住广阔的天幕,再把它扔到地上。他在空中长伸双臂,握紧邪恶的拳头;他的狂怒从不平息,就像有一万个魔鬼通过他的毛发捉住了他。”

Engels had been brought up in a pietistic family. In fact, in his youth he had composed beautiful Christian poems. After meeting Marx, he wrote about him:

"Who is chasing wild endeavour? A black man from Trier [Marx's birthplace], a remarkable monster. He does not walk or run, he jumps on his heels and rages full of anger as if he would like to catch the wide tent of the sky and throw it to the earth. He stretches his arms far away in the air; the wicked fist is clenched, he rages without ceasing, as if ten thousand devils had caught him by the hair."

恩格斯读了一名“自由神学家” Bruno Bauer 的书后,开始怀疑基督教。

Engels had begun to doubt the Christian faith after reading a book written by a liberal theologian, Bruno Bauer.


Engels never found his way back to the Word of God, joining instead the one whom he himself had called "the monster possessed by ten thousand devils." He had experienced a counter-conversion.

Bruno Bauer 这个“自由神学家”,这个对摧毁恩格斯的基督教信仰起了重要作用,并支持了马克思的反基督之路的人,是什么人呢?

What kind of person was Bruno Bauer, the liberal theologian who played a decisive role in the destruction of Engels's Christian faith and who endorsed Marx in his new anti-Christian ways?

像恩格斯一样,Bruno Bauer 起初是个虔信者,后来还成了保守的神学家,对批评《圣经》的言论进行反击。之后,他转而激烈批评《圣经》,并成了唯物主义基督教的创始人。他的教义坚称耶稣是凡人,而不是神的儿子。1841年12月6日,Bauer 给他的朋友 Arnold Ruge(也是马克思和恩格斯的朋友)写信道:


Like Engels himself, he started life as a believer and later as a conservative theologian, even writing against critics of the Bible. Afterward he himself became a radical critic of the Holy Scriptures and creator of a materialistic Christianity which insisted that Jesus was only human, not the Son of God. Bauer wrote to his friend Arnold Ruge, also a friend of Marx and Engels, on December 6, 1841:

I deliver lectures here at the university before a large audi-ence. I don't recognize myself when I pronounce my blasphe-mies from the pulpit. They are so great that these children, whom nobody should offend, have their hair standing on end. While delivering the blasphemies, I remember how I work piously at home writing an apology of the holy Scrip-tures and of the Revelation. In any case, it is a very bad demon that possesses me as often as I ascend the pulpit, and I am so weak that I am compelled to yield to him.... My spirit of blasphemy will be satisfied only if I am authorized to preach openly as professor of the atheistic system.

将他转化为共产主义者的,正是那个转化了马克思的人:Moses Hess。Hess 在 Cologne 城遇见恩格斯后,写道:


制造大破坏 -- 这就是 Hess 一生的最高目标吗?这同样是路斯弗的目标。

The man who convinced him to become a Communist was the same Moses Hess who had previously convinced Marx. Hess wrote, after meeting Engels in Cologne,

"He parted from me as an overzealous Communist. This is how I produce ravages..."

To produce ravages-was this Hess's supreme purpose in life? It is Lucifer's, too.

恩格斯对撒殚的危害十分清楚。在《基督哲学家 Schelling》一书中,恩格斯写道:

“可怕的法国革命之后,一个全新的邪灵进入了一大群人;无神论以无耻、精致的方式,嚣张地抬头,让你觉得《圣经》的预言已经实现。让我们看看《圣经》如何描述末世的无神论景象吧。《新约·马太福音》中,耶稣说:“许多伪先知将涌现,迷惑众人。因为不法之事增多,许多人的爱心渐渐冷淡了,但坚忍到底的,必将得救。这天国的福音,要传遍天下,对万民作见证,然后末日才来到。”(24:11-13)......而圣保罗则在《新约·帖撒罗尼迦后书》中说:“那大罪人,沉沦之子,将会显现。他反对主,高抬自己,超过一切称为神的,和一切受人敬拜的(2:3-4)......他跟随撒殚之功而来,带着所有力量、标记、谎称的奇迹,在众人身上行一切不义的诡诈,使他们毁灭 --- 因为他们不接受拯救他们的真理之爱。因此,他们自心将产生强烈的错觉,使他们相信谎言;于是一切不信真理,却喜爱不义的人,都被定罪。”(2:9-12)

Engels was very well aware of the danger of Satanism. In his book Schelling, Philosopher in Christ, Engels wrote:

Since the terrible French Revolution, an entirely new, devilish spirit has entered into a great part of mankind, and godlessness lifts its daring head in such an unashamed and subtle manner that you would think the prophecies of Scripture are fulfilled now Let us see first what the Scriptures say about the godlessness of the last times. The Lord Jesus says in Matthew 24:11-13: "Many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." ......And St. Paul says, in II Thessalonians 2:3ff.: "That man of sin shall be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is God, or that is worshipped.... [The coming of the Wicked] is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."


Engels quotes Scripture after Scripture, just as the most Bible-believing theologian would do.


“这种对主的漠视和冷淡,跟我们没多大关系。不,它是公开宣言的敌意,现在,在所有宗派、团体当中,我们只有两个阵营:基督和敌基督....我们看到了众人中的 伪先知......他们走遍德国,企图侵入所有地方;从一个城镇到另一个城镇,他们背负着魔鬼之旗,在市集传授撒殚的教义,诱骗可怜的青年,目的是将人们投入无底地狱的最深处。”

He continues:

"We have nothing to do any more with indifference or cold-ness toward the Lord. No, it is an open, declared enmity, and in the place of all sects and parties we have now only two: Christians and anti-Christians.... We see the false prophets among us.... They travel throughout Germany and wish to intrude everywhere; they teach their Satanic teachings in the market-places and bear the flag of the Devil from one town to another, seducing the poor youth, in order to throw them in the deepest abyss of hell and death."

这个写出如此诗篇、让人们警惕撒殚的人;这个意识到危难、流泪祈祷的人;这个认为马克思被万魔附体的人,竟变成了马克思最亲密的合作者,共同为魔鬼而战,以实现 “共产主义要消灭永恒的真理,消灭所有宗教和所有伦理道德.....”(摘自《共产主义宣言》第二节)

The man who wrote such poems and such warnings against Satanism, the man who prayed with tears to beware of this danger, the man who recognized Marx as being possessed with a thousand devils, became Marx's closest collaborator in the devilish fight, "for Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality...."


http://www.marxists.org/archive/ ... -manifesto/ch02.htm


[ 本帖最后由 finder 于 2009-6-29 22:10 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-6-29 22:12:18 | 显示全部楼层


Shifting now from Engels to Marx, Marx's whole attitude and conversation were Satanic in nature.

他是犹太人,却写了一本反犹太的书,名叫《犹太问题》。1856 年,他在《纽约论坛报》的《俄国贷款》一文中写道:


Though a Jew, he wrote a pernicious anti-Jewish book called The Jewish Question. In 1856, he wrote in The New York Tribune an article entitled "The Russian Loan," in which we read:

"We know that behind every tyrant stands a Jew, as a Jesuit stands behind every Pope. As the army of the Jesuits kills every free thought, so the desire of the oppressed would have chances of success, the usefulness of wars incited by capitalists would cease, if it were not for the Jews who steal the treasures of mankind. It is no wonder that 1856 years ago Jesus chased the usurers from the Jerusalem temple. They were like the contemporary usurers who stand behind tyrants and tyrannies. The majority of them are Jewish. The fact that the Jews have become so strong as to endanger the life of the world causes us to disclose their organization, their purpose, that its stench might awaken the workers of the world to fight and eliminate such a canker."


Did Hitler say anything worse than this?


Strangely, Marx also wrote to the contrary, in [i[The Capital[/i[, Volume I, under the heading "The Capitalist Character of Manufacture": "In the front of the chosen people it was written that they are the property of Jehovah."

《资本论》英译版 -- 第一卷·第十四章:


所引文字在第五节:The Capitalistic Character of Manufacture,译法稍有不同。

许多犹太人共产主义者效仿马克思仇视犹太人。Ruth Fisher,著名的 “德国犹太人共产主义组织” 领袖,同时也是议会成员,说:“压碎犹太资本家!把他们吊死在灯柱上!把他们踩在脚下!” 为何只针对犹太资本家呢?这是个未有解答的问题。

Many other Jewish Communists imitated Marx in their hatred of Jews. Ruth Fisher, renowned German Jewish Communist leader and a member of Parliament, said: "Squash the Jewish capitalists, hang them from the lamp posts; tread them under your feet." Why just the Jewish capitalists and not the others remains an unanswered question.

马克思不仅恨犹太人,也恨德国人。他声言:“只有棍棒才能唤起德国人。” 他大谈 “愚蠢的德国民众......恶心的德国全国性狭隘意识” 并说 “德国人、中国人、犹太人都像小贩”。他称俄国人为 “饭桶”, 称斯拉夫人为 “垃圾人种”。对于众多国家,他所表达的只有恨,没有爱。

Marx hated not only the Jews, but also the Germans: "Beating is the only means of resurrecting the Germans." He spoke about "the stupid German people ... the disgusting national narrowness of the Germans" and said that "Germans, Chinese, and Jews have to be compared with peddlers and small merchants." He called the Russians "cabbage-eaters." The Slavic peoples were "ethnic trash." He expressed his hatred of many nations, but never his love.

马克思在其 1848 年的新年作品集中,写到 “斯拉夫贱民”,其中也包含了俄国人、捷克人、克罗地亚人。他认为,这些“反动”种族,应该立即在世界革命风暴中毁灭,除此之外,命运再没留给他们什么了。又说:“即将来临的世界大战不仅将消灭反动阶级和王朝,还将让所有反动民众从地球表面彻底消失。这就是进步。” “他们的名字将湮灭。”

Marx wrote in his new year's roundup of 1848 about "the Slavic riffraff," which included Russians, Czechs, and Croats. These "retrograde" races had nothing left for them by fate except "the immediate task of perishing in the revolutionary world storm." "The coming world war will cause not only reactionary classes and dynasties, but entire reactionary peoples, to disappear from the face of the earth. And that will be progress." "Their very name will vanish."



Neither Marx nor Engels were concerned about the destruction of millions of people. The former wrote,

"A silent, unavoidable revolution is taking place in society, a revolution that cares as little about the human lives it destroys as an earthquake cares about the houses it ravages. Classes and races that are too weak to dominate the new conditions of existence will be defeated."


In contrast, Hitler, who desired only the enslavement and not the destruction of these nations, was much more humane than Marx.



Engels wrote in the same vein:

"The next world war will make whole reactionary peoples disappear from the face of the earth. This, too, is progress. Obviously this cannot be fulfilled without crushing some delicate national flower. But without violence and without pitilessness nothing can be obtained in history"

马克思,这个假装为无产阶级而战的人,将此阶级的人称为 “蠢蛋、恶棍、屁股。”

Marx, the man who posed as a fighter for the proletariat, called this class of people "stupid boys, rogues, asses."


Engels well knew what to expect from them. He wrote, "The democratic, red, yes, even the Communist mob, will never love us."

马克思给黑人贴上 “白痴” 的标签,在私人信件里,他还经常使用侮辱性的词 “黑鬼”。

Marx identified black people with "idiots" and constantly used the offensive term "nigger" in private correspondence.

他称其对手 Lassalle 为“那个犹太黑鬼”并很清楚地表明,这不只是针对一个人的蔑称而已:


He called his rival Lassalle "the Jewish nigger" and made it very clear that this was not intended as an epithet of disdain for just one person.

"It is now absolutely clear to me that, as both the shape of his head and his hair texture shows, he is descended from the Negroes who joined Moses' flight from Egypt (unless his mother or grandmother on the paternal side hybridized with a nigger).... The pushiness of the fellow is also nigger-like."

马克思甚至拥护北美的奴隶制。他的朋友 Proudhon 曾主张解放美国的奴隶,为此,马克思写信与之争辩:

“没了奴隶制,北美这个最进步的国家就会变成一个家长制国家。把北美从世界地图上抹去后,你会得到混乱 --- 现代商业和文明的彻底崩溃。废除奴隶制之后,美国也会从世界地图上消失。”

Marx even championed slavery in North America. For this, he quarreled with his friend Proudhon, who had advocated the emancipation of slaves in the U.S. Marx wrote in response,

"Without slavery, North America, the most progressive of countries, would be transformed into a patriarchal country. Wipe North America from the map of the world and you will have anarchy-the complete decay of modern commerce and civilization. Abolish slavery and you will have wiped America off the map of nations."


Marx also wrote, "The Devil take the British!”

马克思最喜爱的女儿 Eleanor,在马克思的同意下,嫁给了 Edward Eveling。此人曾作《神的坏》之类主题的演讲。(这正是撒殚教徒所做的事。与无神论者不同,他们不否认神的存在。除了欺骗别人,他们自知神是存在的,只是把神说成坏的。)以下诗句道出了他向往撒殚的心态:


撒殚,是仁慈的,看 Heloisa!


Marx's favorite daughter, Eleanor, with her father’s approval, married Edward Eveling. He lectured on such subjects as "The Wickedness of God." (Just as Satanists do. Unlike atheists, they do not deny the existence of God, except to deceive others; they know of His existence, but describe Him as wicked.) The following poem describes the attitudes of his movement toward Satanism:

To thee my verses, unbridled and daring,
Shall mount, O Satan, king of the banquet.
Away with thy sprinkling, O priest, and thy droning.
For never shall Satan, O priest, stand behind thee.

Thy breath, O Satan, my verses inspires,
When from my bosom the gods I defy.
Of kings pontifical, of kings inhuman:
Throe is the lightning that sets minds to shaking.
O soul that wanderest far from the straight way,
Satan is merciful. See Heloisa!

Like the whirlwind spreading its wings,
He passes, O people, Satan the great!
Hail, of reason the great Vindicator!
Sacred to thee shall rise incense and vows!
Thou hast the god of the priest disenthroned


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