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[美国生活] 入乡随俗 每周中级英语042507










发表于 2007-4-26 06:57:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
"Forms of
  • Headings[/url]  - Leave a blank line, or its
    equivalent in space, after the title or heading of a manuscript. On
    succeeding pages, if using ruled paper, begin on the first
  • Numerals  - Do not
    spell out dates or other serial numbers. Write them in figures or
    in Roman notation, as may be appropriate.  
  • Parentheses[/url]  - A sentence containing an
    expression in parenthesis is punctuated, outside of the marks of
    parenthesis, exactly as if the expression in parenthesis were
  • References[/url]  -  In scholarly work requiring
    exact references, abbreviate titles that occur frequently, giving
    the full forms in an alphabetical list at the end. As a general
    practice, give the references in parenthesis or in footnotes, not
    in the body of the sentence. Omit the words act, scene, line,
    book, volume, page,
    except when referring by only one of them.
    Punctuate as indicated in
    examples.E.g. "After the killing of
    Polonius, Hamlet is placed under guard (IV. ii. 14)." 
  • Titles[/url] - For the titles of literary works,
    scholarly usage prefers italics with capitalized initials. The
    usage of editors and publishers varies, some using italics with
    capitalized initials, others using Roman with capitalized initials
    and with or without quotation marks. Use italics (indicated in
    manuscript by underscoring), except in writing for a periodical
    that follows a different practice. Omit initial A or
    The from titles when you place the possessive before
    them. E.g. "The Iliad; the
    Odyssey; As You Like It; To a Skylark; The Newcomes; A Tale of Two
    Cities; Dickens's Tale of Two

    word/phrase  "Means":  In
    the sense of  "financial resources"means
    takes a plural verb. In the sense of  "a way to an end" means may be
    treated as either a singular or plural. It is singular when
    referring to a particular strategy or method. It is plural when it
    refers to a group of strategies or methods.        E.g. (of 1st part) "His
    means are more than adequate." E.g. (of 2nd part) "The best
    means of securing the cooperation of the builders
    is to appeal to their self-interest." E.g. (of 3rd part) "The most
    effective means for dealing with the drug problem
    have generally been those suggested by the affected
    communities."   commonly confused 

     "Amend, Emend":  When you mean
    general changes for the better or modifications to rules or
    legislation, amend is the correct choice. The use
    of emend is generally limited to text
    correctionE.g. "The boy was told
    to amend his behavior or face possible
    expulsion."   E.g. "The publisher told
    the author to emend his manuscript."     do you
    know?   i  Factoids:  
  • MasterCard was originally called
  • There are more TV sets in the US than
    there are people in the UK. 
  • About 50% of Americans live within 50
    miles of their birthplace. This is called propinquity. 
  • Eskimos use refrigerators to keep food
    from freezing. 
  • The sentence "The quick brown fox jumps
    over the lazy dog" uses every letter of the alphabet. 
  • The Vatican is the world's smallest
    country, at 0,44 square km (0,16 square miles). 
  • The most populated city in the world -
    when major urban areas are included - is Tokyo, with 30 million
  •  The first city in the world to have a
    population of more than one million was London.    
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    GMT+8, 2025-2-26 19:07

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