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发表于 2010-4-5 23:41:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

China Interim Government: Open Letter to Capitol Hill










































Dear Senators and House Representatives of the United States:

In response to House Resolution 605 we write to you expressing our concerns about the recent situations in the following nine aspects:

1. China Interim Government applauds Resolution 605

China Interim Government very much welcomes and supports the Resolution 605 passed by the House. The resolution expresses sympathy to the Falun Gong practitioners and their families, who have been suffering from the CCP regime's continued persecution for the past decade just because of their personal beliefs, calling for an immediate end to the campaign to persecute, intimidate, imprison, and torture Falun Gong practitioners, calling upon the communist regime to immediately release Falun Gong practitioners detained, and calling upon President Obama and Members of Congress to publicly express solidarity with those practitioners at the 11th anniversary of the CCP's repression of the spiritual movement and meet with Falun Gong practitioners whenever and wherever possible to indicate that support for freedom of conscience remains a fundamental principle of the US Government.

The resolution lets the world see the United States' functional value unaltered in support of freedom and human rights, despite facing a wide range of austere challenges within and outside of the soil. In the current world with so many uncertainties involved, the United States' adherence to this basic value  undoubtedly makes it a lighthouse of the entire human society, again demonstrating to people of this world that the United States is the mainstay of international community.

The United States' support to the group of people from beyond your shores, politically persecuted solely for their beliefs to "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance", indicates how just and great your country is, in sharp contrast to the CCP regime's villainy and inhumanity and how bad the human rights status is under its evil rule. However, this evil Party cheekily claims that it is the best period of human rights status in Chinese history. Moreover, its former foreign minister Li Zhaoxing undisguisedly professed that China's human rights is five times better than the United States, what a bald-faced lie! The Chinese communist politicians always containedly tell monstrous lies in public occasions like Adolf Hitler's minister of foreign affairs Ribbentrop and Stalin's Molotov, and they are not minority but majority. This is because the CCP regime started with lies and violence and likewise it is maintained with lies and violence. Should it live by no lies and violence, the communist regime could not survive one single day.

2. The CCP regime's "Peaceful Rise" is a strategic deception in nature, aiming at controlling the whole world

The one-party autocracy airs the diplomatic parlance like "Peaceful rise" and "Never seek hegemony" to anaesthetize international community and make it deceived. In fact, within its higher level what they talk poles apart. Recently a text of Hu Jintao's speech has been exposed to light, which he made to the higher level of the Party. Hu said, "Now we appeal 'National revival' day to day, but do you all know what is the label in essence of the revival? Let me tell you, that is to make Chinese century come true. That is why at the end of the last century we built the China Millennium Monument in Beijing, which sounded the clarion call to the entire Chinese people to create a Chinese century. But what can be counted as achieving the goal? Let’s get it straight, that means the whole world will be led and arranged by our Party, not only ideologically, culturally, economically and politically, but also with organizational guarantees, to formulate a unified plan for the planet.”

Hu is the chief of the current regime of the Party. When his world view formed, it is the most fanatical age with the whole nation idolatrizing Mao Tse-tung. Although Hu is so sophisticated that nearly no one knows how many skeletons there are in his closet, he is a worshiper of Mao from the bottom of his heart. 。In his internal speech that time, he said, “What Chairman Mao most brilliantly acted is taking a broad and long-term view of history and seeing the iron law of history: society is to undergo major changes, history is to experience great development, so it is likely that many have to die. Like it or not, this is a reality. In order to liberate the Chinese people, many sacrificed their lives. In the battle of Changchun alone, one to two hundred thousand civilians starved to death. So Chairman Mao estimated that, if the imperialists want to launch a nuclear war, we need to smash them and achieve global socialism, and then 1/3 to 1/2 of the world population may have to die; but eventually we are not afraid. Chairman Mao taught us, "Bitter sacrifice strengthens bold resolve, which dares to make sun and moon shine in new skies."

With respect to Deng Xiaoping's "Opening up and reform" which earns reputation, Hu explained all the details of the policy, "Comrade Xiaoping went abroad to study in Western countries at his young age, so he took more care to leverage all the fruits of human civilization in strengthening our Party. That is to stand on the shoulders of giants to control the giant, and finally to overthrow and replace the Western giants. Even so, Comrade Xiaoping, like Chairman Mao, made efforts to give play to Chinese wisdom and strategies so that we can, while surrounded and threatened by western imperialism, strive for historic opportunity to strengthen ourselves. This is the kernel of Comrade Xiaoping's idea of keeping a low profile. ”

In regard to Deng's behavior hiding a dagger behind a smile and deception to international community, Hu gave a good opinion, “Comrade Xiaoping always noticed how to correct some of our comrades’ impetuosity in doing revolutionary work, and repeatedly advocated the word "tolerance". Only by relying on this word "tolerance”, have we had good relations with Western countries, have we lulled Western countries into letting down their guard against us and accepting us, have we obtained their technology and finance resources, and have we got their core staff members of key enterprises here and serve us. It is through this stage we have reached today’s situation where we own wealth and speak louder than others.”

3. The United States needs to review every inch of its policy for the CCP regime

Hearing Beijing's louder voice than others because of its bulging wallet today, no one can feel as much as President Obama. Not long ago at Copenhagen summit of global climate, before the world President Obama was dishonored by communist Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao over and over again. Upon the breakout of worldwide monetary crisis, the CCP regime believed that the United States and it is no use of keeping all the things in low key, and then has dropped the mask and shown its true face as a totalitarian rule. Now the affluential CCP regime insults more than just Obama, but the whole United States and all Americans, surely including the members of Congress on behalf of American people.

Some of you might remember what the China was like under the communist rule thirty years ago at the beginning of establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and the CCP regime. That was a country extremely short of funds, with very backward industry, science and technology and national defense; besides, it fell under serious military threat of the neighbor Soviet Union. Were it not American friendship and generosity, not American market open to the red China, not American enormous funds, technologies, equipment and experience in management exporting to China, not American admittance to join the world economy system, the CCP regime would absolutely not have become so affluential to date.

But it is a pity that, in spite of American resources enormously flowing into China, what the great mass of Chinese has gained no more than a drop in the bucket over these three decades while the most part of resources has been snatched by the evil Party; what's worse, the totalitarian state has been using these resources in intensifying its regime, repressing democratic movements, persecuting freedom and rights activists, backing terroristic organizations, aiding rascal powers, diffusing nucleus threat, polluting natural environment, and imperiling world peace。 In particular, the CCP regime has been manipulating exchange rate for a long time, much distorting the principle of globalization, aggravating the US' dependence on foreign debts and drain of job opportunities, and resulting in serious unbalance in world economy. To sum up, the CCP regime is arch criminal of causing global economic crisis.

4. The CCP regime has waged a white war for controlling information and finance

In a normal world economy environment, if a country is in a long-term favorable trade balance, its monetary exchange rate will consequently go up while its favorable trade balance will thus fall, resulting in a balance of world economy. This is the self-regulating mechanism of free trade. But if in a country running trade surpluses the monetary exchange rate is long manipulated and artificially driven down, that certainly will damage the self-balancing mechanism of free trade, tampering with the normal environment of world economy. In this case, the precondition for global free trade does not exist anymore, and such a world trade structure is not a free trade structure any more. Over a long term, world economy will consequently come up with serious unbalance, which will primarily cause world crises. Should this fundamental mistake not be thoroughly corrected, the current status which makes severely unbalanced world economy would not be changed, thus having no means of basically preventing world crises from outbreak again.

As said above, the distribution of global resources is distorted by the evil Party, resulting in various resources continuously flowing to China from every corner of the world. And the totalitarian ruler in current China decides to snatch most of the flow-in resources and thus takes the vantage ground of international resource reallocation. We have clearly seen these resources used for reinforcing the totalitarian regime, persecuting human rights, compelling more foreign-funded businesses given in, snatching more resources, supporting terrorism, assisting rascal powers, diffusing nucleus arms threat, stealing US frontier technologies and national secrets, waging cyber war against the United States, and carrying out neo-totalitarianism packaged in "Chinese model".

And then, these various resources from across the world have been reallocated by the evil Party and used through different channels in murdering the refugees of Darfur, Sudan, shooting the Burmese monks, buying over pro-communist persons of the west, training and equipping terrorists, killing American servicemen and civilians, consuming US' national strength, destroying natural environment, and imperiling world peace.

Now that the CCP regime has distorted the principle of globalization by means of controlling RMB exchange rate, it has held the reins of world power like the vicious wild beast ascending out of the sea in the Holy Scriptures: "And there was granted it to wage war with the holy ones and conquer them, and authority was given it over every tribe and people and tongue and nation." In his internal speech that time, Hu said, “If you can make the poor in the West enjoy your low-cost goods, the Westerners will praise you; if you can put some of major enterprises in the West out of business through competition, begin your worldwide acquisitions, and invest in their big firms, the Westerners cannot help but admire us Chinese communists.”

5. Whether the United States can be aware of her own mission and vigorous to complete it

Fortunately, the Congress has recognized how severe the hazard of the CCP regime's manipulating exchange rate is to the United States and even the whole world; Fortunately, this US administration has learned of having no means of keeping safe and sound alone today with the principle of globalization seriously distorted, learned of the issue of exchange rate closely related to the US kernel interests in point of fact, and learned of the current situation not allowing the United States to have her eyes closed to the CCP regime's manipulating exchange rate any more, which directly means an act of long-term financial war and serious injury brought to American kernel interests. All the world has observed that President Obama has declared to resolve the issue of exchange rate for many a time before and after the Election, in the hope of accomplishing fair trade and thus creating more employment opportunities for Americans and improving the US economy.

It is noticed that President Obama has spared no pains in bringing to pass the first Health Care Reform Bill in US history, signaling a great change brought to the country. Although whether this bill will finally work resorts to the best answer given by history, we can feel President Obama's extraordinary passion and leadership from the midst of the course. Should this extraordinary passion and leadership be used in solving current issue of RMB exchange rate, we would trust that the long-term persistent ailment making global economy unequal will be certainly cured within Obama's presidency.

Meanwhile we have also observed a large discrepancy between different opinions on the reform bill; yet its approval has seemingly sharpened the existing discrepancy and opposite emotions. As the mainstay of today's world, the United States makes each and every move to have great influence on international community. Hence China Interim Government hopes to see Americans minimize differences and expand common grounds, being of one mind to lead all the world to walk out of the current shadow. Seen from another angle, to thoroughly resolve the issue of Renminbi rate plaguing the US or even world economy profits not only strengthening the competitiveness of US commodity, approaching job enlargement, and stimulating US economy, but also expanding common grounds across US soil, appeasing the opposition between the two parties, improving the world's economic structure, inhibiting the outspread of the CCP regime's neo-totalitarianism, and restoring US prestige in international community.

In the 1930s, what the global economic crisis then challenged the United States was more than just domestic recession; but in addition, it internationally posed America the threat of totalitarianism represented by state socialism or fascism and communism. Totalitarians claim their doctrine must be the right direction for the development of humankind, and will surely overcome the moribund capitalism. As a matter of fact, the World War II and ensuing Cold War were the life-and-death struggle between US-represented liberalism and the two sorts of totalitarianism. Likewise, at the present day, the CCP regime's crony capitalism, a new form of totalitarianism in nature, is growing up in accompany with world crises, outspreading in the format of "Chinese model", and constituting a serious challenge to the US-led liberalism once again.

Why does Google have to exit China? It is because there has occurred a bad head-on conflict between the neo-totalitarianism and the US-represented liberalism. This conflict has become so irreconcilable that Google has consequently found a way out - leave China. Why don't the other US majors like Microsoft and Cisco stay? Because they are forced to abide by the laws of neo-totalitarianism by the Communist Party while the United States does not want them to obey the laws of liberalism; as a result, they choose to observe the regulations established by the evil Party. What's worse, unfortunately, these totalitarian regulations are dignified to become hidden rules for globalization due to the influential majors submitted to the evil Party.

President Obama said in his inaugural address, “Recall that earlier generations faced down fascism and communism not just with missiles and tanks, but with sturdy alliances and enduring convictions.” Today, the United States needs to confront the CCP regime's neo-totalitarianism with similarly enduring convictions; how sturdy her alliances is will depend on how enduring her convictions are. Any enduring convictions need unwavering actions to embody; to resolve the long-dragged issue of Renminbi rate is just the best choice for this US administration and the Congress to exhibit their enduring convictions, acknowledge American people's trust, fight back neo-totalitarianism, rectify the rules of globalization, and amend the structure of world economy.

6. Understanding the CCP regime's villainy, wiliness and atrocity

That the power of the evil Party was able to found and has survived to date is inseparable with its egregious wiliness and atrocity, which have been proven by all its lies and violence ever since a long time ago. Targeting its two characters said above, the book titled "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" has carried out the most in-depth, all-around analysis. The book that makes the Party scared out of wits started a turbulent undercurrent of quitting the Communist Party in the end of 2004; since then within less than six years, it has urged some 70 million Chinese to renounce the Party and its affiliated organizations. Undoubtedly, this book is deeply changing China. So we recommend this book to every congressman; one who gets it will benefit from reading it.

When the situation goes ill with the evil Party, it always pretends to be in best faith and willingness to cooperate for appearance sake, with the real intention to make counterpart lack of vigilance, and buy time in an attempt to muddle through hard time by means of lengthy negotiation and inessential concession. Over these years a good few members of Congress have pointed out the issue of RMB rate resulting in unfair trade. It has been long dragged due to the CCP regime using this tactics of false cooperation but real countermove. The evil Party drags as longer as it can, trying its best to maintain favorable status at cost of temporary, tiny concessions. If there were not a fixed, long-term mechanism capable of prevent RMB rate from being manipulated, it could neither fundamentally change the situation nor basically resolve the problem of unbalanced structure of world economy, no matter how many orders Beijing gives the United States or what verbal promises Beijing makes or how many percentage points it temporarily adjusts.

The CCP regime would resort to the excuse that RMB appreciation will cause shutdown of a large number of export enterprises and unemployment of many Chinese workers due to very low-profiting export enterprises. It is true that Chinese export enterprises profit very low and Chinese workers' income level is very low either, but who has made all this? Similarly, the United States opened market to Japan, Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan, doing the same; why were their export enterprises capable of accumulating ample funds to complete industry upgrade? Why were the workers of these countries capable of increasing income level thus pulling domestic spending? Since American market opened to China for three decades, why have Chinese export enterprises been lack of ample funds to complete industry upgrade with the workers' income level kept so low? Because there is a sinister gang in China, the biggest sinister gang of the world. Most of property has been secured by force or trickery and flown to the hand of the sinister gang whose name is CCP.

The per capita income of Chinese people is very low, so is their per capita consumption; likewise, the authorities put very low proportion of financial income into education and welfare. However, on the contrary, China's tax revenue is very, very high. Beijing authorities collects higher level of tax revenue than Japan while the industry upgrade of Chinese enterprises, China's investment to education as well as per capita income and per capita consumption all lag far behind Japan. Since both Chinese and Japanese are equally oriental nations with Confucian culture background, who can judge that Chinese would love saving up more than Japanese? Since these two nations have experienced a golden time of three decades of high-speed economic growth respectively, why is the difference between them so tremendous? All this are because the fortune of Chinese people have been taken away by the communist sinister gang. The totalitarian rule in current China decides a polarized structure of income distribution: the evil Party snatches by far the majority of social resources while the ordinary people's treasure is pathetically meager, too little to form effective domestic consumption demand.

Furthermore, where has the communist power used China's economic results as a wonder of three decades? Where has it put so immense resources into use? The first part is for dignitaries to prodigalize while the second part are used for promoting its neo-totalitarianism, internally reinforcing tyranny, suppressing democracy, persecuting human rights, and externally aiding rascal powers, supporting terrorism, aimed at coping with or even crippling the United States and finally reaching the object of defeating the United States and dominating the world. In his internal speech that time, Hu added, “Chairman Mao is more daring and resolute than emperor Zhu Yuanzhang of Ming Dynasty; he not merely sought the unique power of discourse in the world, his goal was that the whole planet shall be placed under our Party’s unified planning and unified arrangement - in today's terms, it is so called Chinese century.”

7. The bane causing the demise of the Party makes the CCP regime extremely terrified

In spite of its madly crying for "Chinese century" and all the world under its unified rule, in spite of its saber rattling, it has guilty conscience and cannot suppress a rising panic inside. To scheme "Chinese century", the CCP regime has to do everything to deceive people by censoring medium and Internet as much as possible. First of all, it disallows civilians to know truths by dusting their eyes; secondly, it falsifies truths and fabricates a false image of prosperous era. Once common people get to know the facts and truths and background reasons, the tomorrow of the Party will come: a certain death as forecast by its Propaganda Department; this is the very bottom cause why the CCP regime must warn Google off or even drive Google away. The CCP regime fears a free world network for it very much fears being exposed to light all that numerous notorious crimes it has committed. Thus it can be regarded as a trumpet of global internet freedom blown that Google takes a lead to exit China, calling the free world to jointly boycott, stop and bear down the CCP regime's "Chinese century". All we should do is apply unprecedented pressure onto the dead point of the communist regime.

8. Truly free trade benefits both American people and Chinese people

No matter how large number of Chinese commodity the United States buys, most of export earnings at China's end will be taken away by the CCP regime. This is because not only the CCP regime wants to "Concentrate financial resources to do something big," namely use huge resources in outspreading neo-totalitarianism, challenging the United States, and assuming hegemony around the world, but also the CCP regime doesn't allow a middle class generated within China at all. Put it further, because a mighty middle class will require right as citizen and a change in politics, which are absolutely unacceptable for the evil Party preferring crony capitalism. So, after June 4th massacre the communist ruler has been performing a policy of trying its best to deprive the populace of wealth accumulation, impeding the society from forming a middle class. As a result, the income level of Chinese has been long on the low side, basically incapable of forming effective domestic consumption, and enormous surplus capacity can only seek overseas market, thus creating a severe unbalance in world economy structure. All troubles and problems can be charged upon the existence of the totalitarianism power. In recent years foreign businesses generally complain increasing number of restriction from the authorities regarding their operation in China; and this also can only be charged upon the CCP regime's policy for maximizing its robbery of social resources. You know why? Because, compared to foreign businesses, native businesses seem more obedient or submitted to the Party's coerce and black mail, the regime has become apt to supplant foreign businesses with domestic enterprises, letting the latter hold more market share.

As the tax rate is high in China, any change in exchange rate will not bring about fatal harm to Chinese export enterprises. If the CCP regime were intended to save these enterprises, it would lower internal tax rate, alleviate enterprises' burden, and allow banks to offer loans to private enterprises. But the truth is, weak spending at home, overloaded burden for enterprises, and banks' reluctance to lend money to private enterprises together are the primary cause making these enterprises neither dead nor alive. This is what the CCP regime exactly wants - maintaining the maximized robbery of enterprises but not to the extent of causing business failure. If US government pushes the CCP regime not to control exchange rate or punishes the Party's act of financial war in manipulating Renminbi rate by heightening tariff on Chinese commodity, the communist regime will be compelled to loosen ransacking of businesses, thus weakening its capacity in internal suppression and external outspread. As far as China's current tax rate is concerned, there is still large room for the government to abate enterprise taxes. So, if the CCP regime likes, it can abandon the control of exchange rate while alleviating enterprise burden, unless it would rather not lower its momentum in external outspread. Therefore, in the long run, that the United States braces her up to treat the matter of exchange rate fairly will benefit Americans and Chinese or even all the world.

9. We are sturdy alliances in preventing the CCP regime from being anti-humanity

China Interim Government commits itself in disintegrating the CCP regime, building democracy in China, and maintaining world peace. We profoundly understand the evil Party's anti-humanity essence and is also perfectly clear about its intrigues. In this way, we are natural ally of the United States. We are ready to communicate with Capitol Hill and US administration, making introduction to some conditions we hold regarding how the CCP regime imperils human society. Also, we are ready to build a whatever format of cooperation with Capitol Hill and American government. We are in the full conviction that the United States and China are two major countries in such a globalized era, and they both need to jointly share the interests and meet the challenges brought by globalization If the two countries can build a real relation of mutual trust and collaboration, it will not only increase the well-being for the people of the two countries but also be beneficial to prosperity and security of the whole world. We also deeply believe that the world needs a responsible China with the precondition that China needs a responsible government. All what we do is to let China have a responsible government, and let the world have a responsible China.

Thank you!

China Interim Government

April 5, 2010

Website: http://www.gdzf.org/

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Mail: PresidentOffice@ChinaInterimGov.org

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