在五一國際勞動節來臨之際,有哪位朋友能告訴我,人權是個什麼東西? 我所知道的人權是一個謀取暴利,打壓異己和佔領市場份額的工具而已。在這個工人的節日到來之際,有多少普通工人為這個節日的到來感到高興,又有多少在暗自垂淚。 在adidas這只服裝界大鱷面前,小小的工人和龐大的市場份額及利潤相比又算的了什麼。他們只關心的是他們的產品能給他們帶來多大的利潤,他們每年對全球adidas加工廠的評估重點只是這家廠的廠能,可以生產多少衣服而已,對於其它所謂人權,那只是口號,是掛在牆上裝飾所用。 但是市場如果出現不利Adidas的波動,這只世紀大鱷就會高舉人權的大棒到處揮舞,對於普通工人的投訴,他們所要做的就是藏好這只人權的大棒。 而普通工人所得到的僅僅是一句麻木不仁的回复:(我們會希望工廠改善,我們也會調查)。 我現在已經通過律師向柬埔寨的金邊法院提出“申請”,要求法院請adidas和qmi來談談法律和人權,並起訴“jinqilian"貪污員工和我的伙食補貼。並將此事通過媒體和網絡向所有關心和喜愛adidas產品的報告,讓更多的人知道這只大鱷是如何謀取巨額利潤的。 有人跟我說,這場訴訟你是告不贏的,我知道但是我不在乎,我只要讓所有的人知道,一個小工人一隻小蝦米是如何向一隻吃人的大鱷嗆聲的,讓更多的小蝦米出來為自己的權利發聲。 | |
Human Rights
chapter two
I was a translator who had been working in the kitchen of an adidas factory for 11 years and 9 months. In January of 2010, I reported to senior management, for the corruption of Chinese director (JIN QILIAN) who worked in the kitchen, JIN QILIAN is the relative of the former general manager .After I reported to the senior management, I was fired immediately and forced to leave the factory on that day.
My food subsidy fee of 2009 and January 2010 has been deducted by JIN QILIAN. I have complained to adidas, without any response. this is what they call human rights? I think this is not a question of human rights, but the illegal problem.
According to Cambodian labor law: For staff who have been working for 10 years , If the company terminate the contract, the company need to informed the staff 3 months in advance and agreed by both sides. What’s more, the company didn’t pay me overtime salary,and even the food subsidy fee was deducted by JIN QILIAN. adidas can be trampled the law, shall we expect its so-called “human rights”?
I believe that: under the leadership of Prime Minister HONGSHENG, the Cambodia law is fair and it’s helpful to people, not the tool to bully people.
Human Rights
chapter one
Labor Day is approaching,who can tell me ,what’s human rights?
In my opinion, human rights is only a tool to reap a windfall, suppressing dissent and occupied the market share. The workers’ festival is approaching, how many ordinary workers are happy for the festival, and how many are in the quietly weeping.
For adidas, the giant of fashion industry, compared with large market shares , negligible workers means nothing. Adidas just care about how many profit they can get from their products, They do annual assessment of global adidas factory always focus on the capacity of the factory, The so-called human rights is just a slogan, It seems to be the wall decoration. If there are some bad influence on adidas, the giant will uphold and waving big stick named “human rights” . For the average worker's complaints, the first thing they do is to hide the big stick which named “human rights” . The average worker can only received an insensitive reply :We hope the factory make improvement, we will investigate it.
Next coming on
Human Rights
chapter two
Next coming on
Human Rights
chapter three
human rights
Chapter Three
I invited a lawyer to assist me apply for litigation in Phnom Penh court of
Cambodia, I hope to talk about law & human rights with adidas and QMI company through
the court. And to prosecute "JIN QI LIAN " corrupt the food subsidies of staff’s and mine. And report the case to all the people who care for & love adidas products through media and network.
Make more people known how the monster
reap huge profits.
Some people told me I will lost on the litigation, But I don’t care.I just want to make others known how the shrimp challenge the monster, and safeguard its legitimate rights.
Next go to adidas
human rights
chapter four boycott
欢迎喜欢转帖的请进,把此帖转发,让更多的人了解adidas公司在利益面前的丑恶的嘴脸。这是一件真实的事,是现在正在发生的事,这件事里提到的(jinqilian)是浙江省杭州市上城区后市街的一名居民,是一位中共党员,在2004之2005年期间,和其女(金洋洋)同居达一年半之久,后其女在找到一位(王恒官)的男友后,这才结束了这段同居生活。由于食髓之味,从而导致现在用贪污来的钱勾引一位24岁的柬籍女孩做“干”女儿。想知道具体的事情经过,请看http://www.kaixin001.com/!repaste/index.php?tip=2&1348338317这个链接,欢迎对号入座,欢迎对簿公堂,。这是我的邮件地址:chhai-heng-yang@msn.com |