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Managing Television in the Home










发表于 2010-9-30 00:32:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[color="Green"]Managing Television in the Home


Television watching should be a fun and relaxing activity for kids and adults alike—but too often it's a source of family conflict.

57% of U.S. children, between 8 and 16, have a television set in their bedroom.

(Source: Media in the Home 2000, Annenberg Public Policy Center)
(資料來源: Media in the Home 2000, Annenberg Public Policy Center)

If you're concerned about television, banning it isn't a practical solution. Instead, you need to learn to co-exist with television by managing how much your kids watch, and what.

Take control of your family's viewing habits by using some of these strategies:

    * Start young. It's wise to work on developing good TV viewing habits well before your children start school. As they grow older, it will become more difficult for you to enforce restrictions or influence their tastes.
    * 從小開始作起,最明智的方法就是從小孩在學齡前,就養成好的電視收視習慣,而當他們慢慢長大,限制或影響他們的習慣會變的越來越困難

    * Limit the amount of time your kids spend watching television, especially on school nights. Make sure they're involved in other activities such as sports, hobbies and playing outside.
    * 限制你的小孩花在觀看電視的時間,特別是在上學下課的晚上時間,並確認你的小孩參與了其他的活動;如運動.其他興趣發展以及戶外遊玩

    * Monitor what your children watch, and whenever possible watch with them and discuss the program.
    * 監督你的小孩看什麼電視,如果可能的話最好能陪同觀賞並與他們討論

    * Young children are at higher risk of becoming aggressive after watching violence on TV—especially cartoons. You should limit the amount of violence they're exposed to and monitor their behaviour after watching violent shows. Use the Managing Superhero Play handout on the right sidebar for tips on controlling aggressive play.
    * 較小的兒童有較高的風險在收看暴力節目後行為變成衝動,特別是收視有暴力傾向的卡通,家長應該限制小孩暴露在暴力節目的收視時間並觀察小朋友在收看暴力節目後的行為變化

    * Kids model their behaviour on that of their parents—so take a hard look at your own viewing habits, and if necessary, change them.
    * 小朋友會以他的父母的行為作為榜樣,因此必須嚴格檢示自己的收視習慣,如果有作出錯誤示範,應該改變自己的收視習性

    * Encourage your children to watch a variety of programs: sports, nature and science shows, the arts, music and history shows. There's a lot of great TV programming out there that makes learning about the world interesting and fun.
    * 鼓勵你的小孩收視各式不同的電視節目:如運動、自然科學、藝術、音樂、歷史等,這些大量不同的節目使小朋友以較有趣的方式認識這個美妙的世界

    * Consider the best place for your television set. When your children are small, use the old adage "out of sight, out of mind"—and keep the TV in a room away from where your family spends most of its time. When your kids get older, you might want it to be in a more visible place for easier monitoring. Never put a television set in a child's bedroom!
    * 考慮擺放家裡電視的最佳位置!當你的小孩還小時,儘量讓你的電視放在比較不常會去使用的地方,當小孩大了一些,你可能希望將電視放在比較明顯的地方以方便監督小朋友的行為,但千萬不要把電視放在小朋友的房間內

    * Don't leave your TV on when you're not watching it. Turn it on for a specific show, and turn it off again when the show is over. This makes television a special experience that your children can look forward to.
    * 不看電視時,不要讓電視是開者:當節目開始時將電視打開,當節目結束將電視關閉,讓小朋友能學習這樣的收視方式

    * When your children's friends come to visit, insist on some "no-TV" time. Don't be afraid to restrict viewing of certain shows, even if your children's friends are allowed to watch them. You have the right to protect your children from inappropriate viewing and they will accept your concern as a sign of caring.
    * 當你的小孩的朋友要來你家玩,不要害怕去限制觀看某些節目,縱使小朋友的朋友在他的家裡沒有任何限制,你同樣有這樣的權力去保護你的小孩避免觀看這樣的節目

    * Make sure your kids know that it's their right to say no to programs they find too frightening when visiting friends or relatives.
    * 確認你的小孩知道他們有權力向他的朋友或親人說:「不」,當他們發現他們看到的節目過於暴力

    * Tell the parents of your children's friends about your television rules. It's hard to control what your children see at other houses, but if parents talk about their TV rules with others, it's easier to protect children from unsuitable programming.
    * 告訴你小孩朋友的父母有關你的看電視家規,你的小孩在別人家裡是很困難去掌控他的收視行為,但如果父母告訴別人的父母小朋友看電視的規定,就可以保護他的小孩避免觀看不適當節目

    * Make sure your caregiver or sitter knows about, and follows, your TV rules.
    * 確保你的保母也知道你對孩子有關電視的相關規定

    * Try going without television for a few days to help you re-evaluate the role it plays in your family's life. You can also join thousands of others and give up TV for a week during the annual TV Turnoff Week event. For more information see our TV Turnoff Week section.
    * 試著幾天內都不用看電視以便重新評估電視在你家庭生活中所扮演的角色,你可以在每年的「電視關閉活動週」與你的家人參與各式各樣其他的有趣活動,降低對電視的依賴性


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