
1. Mind House ( Barcelona , Spain ) 巴塞隆納,西班牙

2. The Crooked House彎曲的房子 ( Sopot
索波特[波蘭北部城市] , Poland 波蘭 )

3. Stone House ( Guimar?es, Portugal ) 葡萄牙

4. Lotus Temple ( Delhi, India )

5. Cathedral of Brasilia ( Brazil )

6. La Pedrera ( Barcelona, Spain )

7. Atomium ( Brussels, Belgium )

8. Museum of Contemporary Art ( Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil )

9. Kansas City Library ( Missouri, USA )

10. Low impact woodland house ( Wales, UK )

11. Guggenheim Museum ( Bilbao, Spain )

12. Rotating Tower ( Dubai, UAE )

(Bamboo leaf for Dynamic Architecture ? all rights reserved to Dr. David Fisher). Have you ever seen a building in motion that actually changes its shape? Sounds unbelievable but not to Dr. David Fisher.
This building will never appear exactly the same twice. It is amazing but you will have the choice of waking up to sunrise in your bedroom and enjoying sunsets over the ocean at dinner.
In addition to being such an incredible engineering miracle it will produce energy for itself and even for other buildings because it will have wind turbines fitted between each rotating floor (picture 2).
So an 80-story building will have up to 79 wind turbines, making it a true green power plant.
(竹葉為動態架構?版權所有大衛費舍爾博士)。你見過一個建設議案,實際上改變它的形狀?聽起來不可思議,但不是大衛費舍爾博士。這個建築將不會出現完全 相同的兩次。這是驚人的,但你將有選擇到日出醒來在你的臥室和享受日落晚餐在海洋上空。除了是這樣一個令人難以置信的工程奇蹟,會產生能量的本身,甚至其 他建築物,因為它有風力渦輪機將安裝在每個樓層旋轉(圖 2)。因此,一個 80層的大樓將有多達 79個風力渦輪機,使之成為真正的綠色電廠。

13. Habitat 67 ( Montreal, Canada )

14. Casa da musica ( Porto, Portugal )

15. Olympic Stadium ( Montreal, Canada )
奧林匹克體育場(蒙特利爾,加拿大) |