3.商店售货员态度都特别好,第一句话是how are you today,这时应该很自然地回答good,她会说nice,然后说if there is any problem please let me know。买东西结账之后要和他们说have a nice day,也许他们说在你前头,那就说thank you,you too吧。
4.没买东西也可以大方地走出去,他们会说thanks for coming,see you。
5.如果在一件商品前停留时间过长,售货员会问你hows everything going on?我一般回答Im fine thank you。
69.美国学生每天早上要首先升旗。伴随国歌宣誓:[右手盖住心脏]i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stand,one nation under god,inPisible,with liberty and justice for all。然后默哀一分钟。