加拿大米西索加的大厦“绝对世界塔”(Absolute World Towers)外观酷似好莱坞女星玛丽莲·梦露的沙漏型身材,其从参赛的来自世界各地的300多栋大厦中脱颖而出,被评为年度摩天大楼。
在今年的年度摩天大厦评选中,被评为第二位的是阿拉伯联合酋长国首都阿布扎比的安巴尔塔(Al Bahr Towers)。该塔高约45米,在半透明的建筑立面上还可以进行太阳能发电。而高约238米,造价约8000万英镑(约合人民币7.79亿元)的坐落于巴基斯坦的布尔季·卡塔尔大厦(Burj Qatar)在此次评选中位列第三。除此之外,在此次年度帝国大厦名单上高度位列第一的是位于中国广州的珠江大厦,这栋有71层的建筑实际高度约有310米。
Shapely: Rising 175 metres into the Canadian skyline, they have been likened to Marilyn Monroe
Absolute winner: The towers in Mississauga twist 209 from their base to the top, 56 floors up
Runner-up: Al Bahr Towers in Abu Dhabi was pipped at the post to first placer by Absolute Towers
Electric: The Burj Qatar, finished with a lightening rod, was named the third best skyscraper of 2012
The Bow: No British buildings made onto the list, but this one in Calgary, Canada, was designed by a UK firm
Tall storey: With 71 floors over 310 metres, Pearl River Tower in China, was the highest on the list
A credit to the architect: UniCredit Tower in Milan was named in eighth spot by the panel of judges |