而事情真相是,图中的这位年轻人叫Brandon Watts,是个著名的问题人物。连他“占领华尔街”的队友都觉得他是个大麻烦。比如纽约时报一篇关于他的报道提到︰“此人是游行组织者最大的心头患,部分因为,他对于游行者至今没和警察发生冲突感到很不耐烦”。
“give the march medic and co-organizers the most cause of worry”
in part because he expressed impatience “that the marches had not yet had a clash with police”
The bloodiest arrest that caught the media's attention was Brandon Watts,a 20-year-old man whose been at Zuccotti Park since week one.As we reported yesterday,Watts allegedly knocked a police officer's hat off and was chased down by cops inside the park.The daily news -which put his bloody face on the cover today -reports that he also tossed objects (including a AAA battery)at cops.Police say he resisted arrest and hurt his head on the concrete during the scuffle.
警察对这位仁兄提出的这些指控,就连他的律师,著名的资深人权律师Martin Stolar都没有否认,而是强调,小伙子没什么恶意,只是精神有点问题。
“Lieutenant Pike's use of force in pepper spraying seated protesters was objectively unreasonable”---Pike警官对坐姿的抗议者使用胡椒喷雾不合理。所以这当然不是美国警察通行的规则。