楼主 |
发表于 2010-11-20 09:34:08
(博讯北京时间2010年11月19日 转载)
致全国人大常务委员会: (博讯 boxun.com)
1, 这个“所有”是行政意义、政治意义、主权意义和象征性的“所有”,还是财产权意义上对实物土地的“所有”?
2, 如果是财产权意义上的“所有”,是否包含1982年之前已经存在的城镇私有宅基地的土地?
3, 如果包含的话,那么公民对自己财产的所有权是以怎样的程序和理由转移的?如果是“没收”,希望有关部门能公布没收的程序和理由。
4, 如果是财产权意义上的“所有”,但不包含当时已经存在的城镇私有宅基地,请公开作出说明。
5, 如果不是财产权意义上的“所有”,也请公开作出说明。
北京胡同私有祖宅业主 2010年11月14日
华新民 (代其父华揽洪,原北京市建筑设计院总建筑师)
丁艾 (父亲丁原英生前为中国社会科学院近代史所研究员)
马秀明 (中央民族大学退休教授 九三学社成员)
黄红缇 (著名医学教授黄震泰后人。黄震泰抗日时期曾任延安的中国红十字会第一医疗大队队长。五十年代曾任北京协和医院骨科主任)
茅沅/李克瑜 (著名作曲家,著名画家、舞台美术及服装设计家)
胡亚东 (曾任联合国教科文组织首席科技官员、中国科学院化学所所长)
华纫秋 (已故丈夫邓以纯为致公党员、第三届全国人大代表、第四届全国政协委员)
王大鹏 (中国社会科学院研究员)
韩大钧 (中科院电子所离休研究员)
周庆华 (首钢工程师。已故父亲先后为东北讲武堂副监督和教育长,抗日爱国将领)
李怡、李憬、李昊 (已故父亲为北京医学院医学仪器厂首席技术专家)
刘希圣 (原为外交部英文特级翻译,现为传媒大学教授)
何嗣珌 九三学社成员 (何其巩后人。何其巩曾先后担任过首任北平特别市市长和北平中国大学校长)
苏鸿潭 (退休前为中国社会科学院拉美所研究员)
马秀华 (北京世纪坛医院退休医生)
唐宁 (已故父亲唐乃勋生前为天津联昌仪表厂副厂长,天津市人大代表)
张镡 (北京大学退休教授 九三学社成员 )
王继兰 (媒体工作者,著名中医王荣五后人)
李琳 (祖父李国钧生前为财政经济出版社副总编,民盟第三届中央委员、笫一二屆全国人大代表)
王少华 (北京工商大学副教授 )
王薇丽 (退休中学教师)
赵鉄群 (医生) (共28人)
To the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress:
We hereby attach a letter written to Mr. Guo Jinlong, Mayor of Beijing Municipality,by 28 owners of inherited alley (hutong) homesteads in Beijing. One of the purposes of this letter is to demand the revocation of (2010) Jing guotu ji Order No. 462 issued by Beijing Municipal Land and Resources Bureau.
The content of the letter concerns the interpretation of the provision of Article 10 of the 1982 Constitution of the People’s Republic of China: “Land in the cities belongs to the state.”
According to the Constitution, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is empowered to interpret the Constitution. Hence we hereby call upon it to make an interpretation on the aforesaid provision.
We hope to know:
1. Does the term “belongs to”, as used in Article 10 of the Constitution, mean "belongs to" in the sense of having an administrative, political, sovereign and/or symbolic right? Or does it mean “owns” the real land in the sense of having a property right?
2. If it means “ownership” in the sense of a property right, does this include the lands on which the private residential houses and yards in the cities have been standing before 1982?
3. If the meaning of “belongs to” has the sense of “owns” in the sense of having a property right, and if this includes the lands on which the private residential houses and yards in the cities have been standing before 1982, what kind of procedures and reasoning would be applied to the transfer of such property rights attributed to the citizens? If the lands are “confiscated”, we hope that the relevant authority would promulgate the procedures and reasons of such confiscations.
4. If it means “ownership” in terms of the property right, but excludes the lands on which private residential houses and yards then existed, we request that this fact be announced and accounted for publicly.
5. If it does not mean “ownership” in terms of having a property right, we request again that this be announced and accounted for publicly.
Best Regards
Owners of Inheritated Private Alley (Hutong) Homesteads, Beijing
November 14, 2010
华新民 (representing her father Hua Lanhong, former Chief Architect of the Beijing Institute of Architectural Design)
丁艾 (whose father is Ding Yuanying, late researcher at the Institute of Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
苑茵 (staff member at Beijing Research Institute of Culture and History), 叶念先 (researcher at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), 叶念伦 (author and translator) (wife and mother to the two sons of Ye Junjian, a late author and translator)
马秀明 (retired professor of Minzu University of China, member of Jiu San Society)
黄红缇 (descendant of Huang Zhentai, a famous medical professor; Huang Zhentai acted as the Captain of the No.1 Medical Brigade of the Red Cross Society of China in Yan’an during the Anti-Japanese War, and also served as Director of the Orthopedics Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital)
茅沅/李克瑜 (famous composer/famous painter, stage art and costume designer)
胡亚东 (acted as Chief Technology Officer of UNESCO and the Director of the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
华纫秋 (wife of Deng Yichun, late member of China's Zhi Gong Party, deputy to the Third National People's Congress and member of Fourth National Committee of the CPPCC)
王大鹏 (researcher at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
韩大钧 (retired researcher at the Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
周庆华 (engineer of Shougang Group, whose late father was Deputy Director and President of the Education Department of the Northeast Jiang Wu Tang Army School, and a patriotic general of the Anti-Japanese War)
李怡、李憬、李昊 (whose late father was the Chief Technology Officer of the Medical Instruments Factory, Beijing Medical College)
刘希圣 (former Senior English Translator of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and now a professor at the Communication University of China)
何嗣珌 (member of Jiu San Society; descendant of He Qigong, who was the Mayor of Beiping Municipality and the President of Beiping China University)
苏鸿潭 (retired researcher of the Institute of Latin American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
马秀华 (retired doctor of Beijing Shijitan Hospital)
唐宁(whose late father, Tang Naixun, was Deputy President of Tianjin Lianchang Instrument and Meters Factory and Deputy to People’s Congress in Tianjin)
张镡 (retired professor of Beijing University, member of Jiu San Society)
王继兰 (media veteran, posterity of Wang Rongwu, a famous doctor of traditional Chinese medicine)
李琳 (whose late father, Li Guojun, was Deputy Editor of Financial and Economic Press, member of the Third Central Committee of the Chinese Democratic League, Deputy to the First and Second National People’s Congress)
王少华 (associate professor at Beijing Technology and Business University)
王薇丽 (retired middle school teacher)
赵鉄群 (Doctor) (28 owners in total) (博讯 boxun.com)